Need Help Choosing Parts

I put this parts list together and am looking for some advice.
 Looking for a graphics card do to the rtx 3070 being out of stock. The budget for it is 550 are there any suggestions 


  • Hello @Fernando
    The build you put together looks good! I understand the struggle in finding any RTX 3000 series GPU. I would personally wait for either a 3070 or 3080. It may take some time but since you are willing to spend 550 on a GPU, it would be best to get one of the newest ones. You could also consider the RX 6800 as it should be close to that price as well. We are hoping to have consistent inventory for these around January or February.
    With that being said, I am very impatient so if you are like me and need something right now you could go with a 2070 Super. It would be fine for now and would be around that price, but it may be best to wait for an RTX 3070 or RX 6800 Also, you will want to look into getting a heatsink/CPU cooler and a copy of Windows if you do not have a license already.
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