RX 6000 Series Stock from AIB / Board Partners
@LandShark I'm one of the many that thankful for whenever you able to drop any info during these trying times. You have been coming threw back to back that much appreciated. Happy holidays.
Thanks from me, too!
Yes, appreciate all the helpful communication!
Are 6900 xts going to actually launch on the 8th at Microcenter? Or is it more AMD/microcenter nonsense?
Still no info on when AMD cards are coming in?
Markdmkc1974 said:Are 6900 xts going to actually launch on the 8th at Microcenter? Or is it more AMD/microcenter nonsense?
Matt_McKinney1 said:Still no info on when AMD cards are coming in? -
JD23 said:Markdmkc1974 said:Are 6900 xts going to actually launch on the 8th at Microcenter? Or is it more AMD/microcenter nonsense?
Matt_McKinney1 said:Still no info on when AMD cards are coming in?
So I ask again, is the 6900 xt going to be vapor like they did the 6800 xt aib launch. -
Markdmkc1974 said:JD23 said:Markdmkc1974 said:Are 6900 xts going to actually launch on the 8th at Microcenter? Or is it more AMD/microcenter nonsense?
Matt_McKinney1 said:Still no info on when AMD cards are coming in?
So I ask again, is the 6900 xt going to be vapor like they did the 6800 xt aib launch.From what I was told, there will be the same of even less than the 6800 launch and this was from my source there. Not worth the time tbh. -
Microcenter at cambridge,MA has a sign stating they have no 6900xt.
I'm at paterson MC and was wondering if they will be receiving the 6900xt??
Hardware Unboxed quoted AMD as saying "4-8" weeks was the expected range for stock to start evening out. That was a week or so ago, I think. So, after the holidays, mostly likely. Not necessarily at MicroCenter, this is just general information.
they were also quoted saying thier launch would be better than nvidias and we saw how that went... id lean towards 8+ weeks.Seems like the nvidia stock is starting to improve tho. Best buy put out alot of stock the other day. And they upgraded thier antibot software so real people can purchase.
Hoping to get a xfx speedster 6800xt 319 merc (aint that a mouth full haha) stock has been practically impossible to find and ebay is filled with them.
My Rockville Center says they have not recieved shipments since launch day, but on the website they recieve shipments every 2-3 days in single digits.
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