Intel to AMD transition of OS.

Hey guys, new to forum here. So apologies if its in the wrong pleace to ask. 
I currently have a full system running windows 10 on the 8700k cpu and z370 mobo.
I was able to snag a 5600x and zx570 mobo.
My question is: if i swap out the 8700k + z370 with the 5600x and x570, and everything else in the system is same, like the boot drive,  storage ram, gpu. Do i still need to reinstall the windows 10 and start fresh?
I know ideally, I should start a fresh install, and plan to do that in the  winter break.
Currently, in Thanksgiving break,  i just want to swap to the new cpu+mobo and be done for now,  bcoz i have final exams in first half of December and would not want to lose the current data, or reinstall the softwares i are necessary for the school finals


  • JS_MC
    While a fresh install isn't necessarily required it's something I'd highly recommend. Typically the OS activation is attached to the motherboard. So you'll have to reactivate your OS when you move the boot drive over to the new hardware. After the swap, you'll have to install the system drivers and then you should work. Again, I'd still recommend a fresh install, since you're on a different CPU architecture.
    Hope this helps!

  • D4rrk_
    Thanks! This does help. I fully intend to do a fresh install. The only reason I am not doing a fresh install right now is because I dont want to accidentally lose or delete important files that I will be needing for my final exams. Once the finals are done, I will be starting fresh from scratch.
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