Order still "Routed"

You say "Many of our stores still do have some inventory of the RTX 3070 cards." if this true, can you have one of them ship it to me? I'll pay the shipping, thx!!!
I think that would be the VERY LEAST you could at this point.


  • JS_MC
    I apologize but the RTX 3070 is not available for shipping. This is not an item we normally ship out, however, due to an error on our site it was made available for shipping. Because it did take some time to complete these orders we asked for an email confirmation from those who were still interested. After that timeframe expired all of the remaining inventory that we had was distributed to our stores and our stores are not equipped to ship out items. If you're still interested in purchasing an RTX 3070 we'd recommend shopping in your local Micro Center however, it's possible that we may have sold out of the inventory in our stores at this time.
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