Curbside Pickup at Madison Heights Location???
It seems that curbside pick has been discontinued at the Madison Heights location. Any plans to bring it back?
12/13/20, update:
Still no curbside @ Madison Heights. There is also no "Text & Wait" option, so even if you're coming just to pick up an online order, you still have to wait around outside. Bring a coat, I guess.
If any mods are reading, fyi, you lost a customer today. I drove an hour and half round trip just so I could be told that there was no curbside and no Text & Wait. My order was >$400. Pretty unhappy about it. -
Preston said:12/13/20, update:
Still no curbside @ Madison Heights. There is also no "Text & Wait" option, so even if you're coming just to pick up an online order, you still have to wait around outside. Bring a coat, I guess.
If any mods are reading, fyi, you lost a customer today. I drove an hour and half round trip just so I could be told that there was no curbside and no Text & Wait. My order was >$400. Pretty unhappy about it.
pwnalisa said:It seems that curbside pick has been discontinued at the Madison Heights location. Any plans to bring it back?
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