G464 Green Screen crash/reboot

I recently purchased the g464 prebuilt. 

Started playing AC:Valhalla and would randomly get crashes that turn the screen green w/ a buzzing. The computer immediately reboots as if nothing happened.
I've tested it with AC: Orogins as well and dont get more than a minute of play time before I get the green screen of death.
Everything appears to run fine until I start some gaming sessions.
I have updated Windows using Windows assistant and that seemed to patch things until the following day and now I'm back to square one.


  • Hey! Your PC has an RX5700xt in there correct? If so, see if updating your GPU drivers helps out. These cards were notorious for having some pretty weird driver issues, but have since been fixed. A lot of prebuilts sit on the shelf for a bit and don't have the drivers updated (no fault to microcenter. that would take absolute ages to update the drivers on all their PCs haha). Let me know if this helped out! Also, if it doesn't Microcenter does offer in store tech support, and I'm sure their team could pin point the issue pretty quickly. If you're unsure about which drivers you need google "RX5700xt drivers Adrenaline" and it should be the first link. Select your OS, and then download the most recent drivers. As of this post they are Adrenalin 2020 Edition 20.11.1. 

    Hope this helped out so you can get back to gaming!
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