GCUBridge Stopped Working
Every 8 days at 11:40am my Maingear Element 2 reboots. The Reliability Monitor shows "GCUBridge stopped working" at exactly this time. These are the technical details:
I have stopped the GCUservice and the GCUBridge.exe in Task Manager but would like to know what I can do to solve this
Stopped working
28/11/2020 11:40 am
Report sent
Faulting Application Path: C:\Program Files\OEM\NODE Control Center\UniwillService\GCUBridge.exe
Problem signature
Problem Event Name: CLR20r3
Problem Signature 01: GCUBridge.exe
Problem Signature 02:
Problem Signature 03: abf6ceaa
Problem Signature 04: System.Management
Problem Signature 05: 4.8.3752.0
Problem Signature 06: 5c7a241f
Problem Signature 07: 8a
Problem Signature 08: 51
OS Version: 10.0.18363.
Locale ID: 11273
Additional Information 1: 2720
Additional Information 2: 2720afb209c308476d2508380d3a37aa
Additional Information 3: 7633
Additional Information 4: 763318a0516bb4aa25e82a6ce1111a88
Extra information about the problem
Bucket ID: 5b5301a008933bcd5a8b5464508e85ed (1912715256573887981)
I have stopped the GCUservice and the GCUBridge.exe in Task Manager but would like to know what I can do to solve this
Greetings @FrankCaz
Lets see if there are any scheduled tasks that corelate with this failure. Right click "Start" and lets see Computer Management > Task Scheduler > Task Scheduler Library. Please see what you have here.
Also, you said it restarts. Have you seen this happen? Is it a hard reboot like a crash, or does it actually restart? -
Thanks for responding. There are a number of items in Task Scheduler, none set to run at that time. Do You want to see a list of what's there?
The GCUBridge is a service which runs this exe: C:\Program Files\OEM\NODE Control Center\UniwillService\GCUBridge.exe and is set to start automatically.
The symptoms are that I would be using the system, normally I'll have music playing and the first thing I would notice is that the music goes silent even though the music player indicates the song is still playing. Then after a minute or two, all my programs will close down and the computer will shutdown and reboot automatically. No error or informational messages displayed. -
Please clarify on the shutdown. The screen goes black immediately, or do you see "Restarting" or "Shutting Down" on screen? -
I can't say that I noticed any "restarting" or "shutting down". This is next due to occur on Sunday morning. I have switched off the service and will observe if it happens again at that time. If it does happen I will let you know if there was any message. If it doesn't happen, I'll start the service and observe when next it happens.
Unfortunately I missed the restart but it did occur at 11:40am again. I've looked at the Event Viewer and there's no mention if GCUBridge this time. Now there's actually a warning: System restart event triggered by THXSpatialAudioInstaller
This occurred at 11:40.02 am
I have one other interesting symptom which has happened a couple of times. When the laptop has been left on but not touched for anywhere upwards of half hour (it could be overnight or it could be just after I stopped for lunch) sometimes it won't wake back up and I have to force it to power off (hold down the power button for 5 or 6 seconds) and then restart it. -
oh, my power settings are:
turn off display after 15 minutes when plugged in (5 minutes when on battery)
put computer to sleep never when plugged in and after 15 minutes when on battery.
So, it's not even supposed to be going to sleep, just the display getting turned off as I always have it plugged in. -
THXSpatialAudioInstaller is from Razer. It should be set to run on a schedule in your task schedule. I would disable this task and verify it's the cause of the restarts.
Second issue is a hibernate or sleep issue. Probably happening when it drops into S4 from time to time. I would disable hibernate temporarily, lets see if it happens in S3. -
OK, I found the THX Update, etc. in Task Scheduler and I have disabled all of them.
I'm not sure what you mean by S3 and S4. Where/how do I change that? I don't think I have hibernate set on for anything and I have set it so that even the display does not get switched off now and the computer is never supposed to go to sleep if it is plugged in. -
Greetings @FrankCaz
Lets leave those tasks disabled and we'll see if this continues to happen. The time stamp looks about right. -
thanks, I had set it so that even the display never gets shut off and so far I have not had to force a restart. I have now run the powercfg command and have set my power options back so that the display will shut off after 15 minutes. Let's see what happens.
Awesome! Glad to hear that @TSMikeW was able to help resolve this issue for you! Let us know if you have any other questions or concerns!
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