I recently asked Mico Center to help me build a pc that gives me high FPS even while streaming.
I already built the pc and now I keep lagging in games. For example, I play Fortnite and my fps drop to 40 when i have settings to medium/low I used to have 300fps and above on high settings. I'm not sure what happened, please do help because I can't deal with this.
I already built the pc and now I keep lagging in games. For example, I play Fortnite and my fps drop to 40 when i have settings to medium/low I used to have 300fps and above on high settings. I'm not sure what happened, please do help because I can't deal with this.
Fabianpro said:I recently asked Mico Center to help me build a pc that gives me high FPS even while streaming.
I already built the pc and now I keep lagging in games. For example, I play Fortnite and my fps drop to 40 when i have settings to medium/low I used to have 300fps and above on high settings. I'm not sure what happened, please do help because I can't deal with this. -
Thank you for responding. I checked out the link you sent me and it says to "Roll back Drivers" I don't have that Option.
I'm not fully sure, but I think that the only game being affected by these fps drops is Fortnite. I have around 165 fps now than before. Back then I used to get over 300 fps on Fortnite. -
Fabianpro said:Thank you for responding. I checked out the link you sent me and it says to "Roll back Drivers" I don't have that Option.
I'm not fully sure, but I think that the only game being affected by these fps drops is Fortnite. I have around 165 fps now than before. Back then I used to get over 300 fps on Fortnite. -
I already did all this but I still get frame drops and lag. I have 20 ping and lower but i get low fps. Can the cause for this be that I downloaded my games on my HDD which is making my games run poorly?? should i install them on my SSD?
Greetings @Fabianpro
Unless you're low on RAM this shouldn't be an issue. Sounds like a stutter, which could be due to your GPU usage dropping under a light load. Is this Radeon GPU? If so, you might alleviate this by increasing your settings and putting a greater, more consistent load on the card. Please confirm the GPU, there are some things we can change otherwise to alleviate this if so. -
I have a ram of 2 8gb sticks, my gpu is "Geforce RTX 2060 Gaming Z Dual-Fan 6gb" and I redownloaded windows but kept my files, after this I installed my games to my SSD instead of my HDD and this seems to have fixed my issue by only a bit. I did get my fps back, from 165fps to at least 300 but I can see that sometimes ity struggles to keep up to 300fps i don't mind that but just saying.
Is there any further steps to do that might boost up my fps back? How do i make sure my games use my gpu instead of my cpu. -
I would try to more accurately see what the cause is. I would open up task manager and keep it to the side if you have another monitor. I'd like to see if your CPU/GPU usage drops sharply to coincide with the FPS drop. -
I am not sure as to why Fortnite all of a sudden decided to use my cpu instead of the gpu. How can i change this so that fortnite runs using my gpu! -
this is my cpu. Why all of a sudden will my cpu be acting like this? very wierd -
Hello @Fabianpro
It could be thermal issues or any other differing issues that causes your processor to start bottlenecking super early. Is it possible for you to bring it back and we can take a look at the build or processor? -
If the issue is BottleNecking then I don't know what to say because this pc was built a few months ago.
I would try to ger ir back to you guys when I have time to make it there. Aren't there any other possibilities that might be causing this issue?? I play this game that uses the cpu instead of the gou and I get about 200 fps max, it runs quiet well at about 43%.
Which game is it? Certain games can stress the processor more than other games or cause thermal issues as the games are more demanding.
Fortnite is the Game that is causing the issue but the game that is not is called "Roblox" it run of from the CPU and not the gpu and it runs smoothly and perfect even while streaming 1080p
Roblox is a very nondemanding game, definitely less than Fortnite. I highly recommend bringing it in so we can take a look at why your processor is bottlenecking early.
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