Windows service packs fail to install
I have a power spec g464 with Windows Pro feature exprience pack 120.2202.130.0.
Updates tried to install two service packs they failed it cleaned the installation and everything is fine.
After reboot windows update gives me this error about it 0x8000ffff
Should I try to install them again? Could they not be compatible.
It also says there is a Feature update to Windows 10 version 20h2.
not sure what to do. The 2 service packs that failed said at the begining once it started the install that they could not be installed on my system. Is windows not seeing my Os version or something?
Updates tried to install two service packs they failed it cleaned the installation and everything is fine.
After reboot windows update gives me this error about it 0x8000ffff
Should I try to install them again? Could they not be compatible.
It also says there is a Feature update to Windows 10 version 20h2.
not sure what to do. The 2 service packs that failed said at the begining once it started the install that they could not be installed on my system. Is windows not seeing my Os version or something?
Greetings @WickedData
Could you tell us the KB number on the specific updates that are failing to install? -
Feature update to Windows 10, version 20H2
2020-11 Cumulative Update Preview for .NET Framework 3.5 and 4.8 for Windows 10 Version 2004 for x64 (KB4586876)
both failing. -
Well the .NET framework preview is for 20H2 so it's failing as dependency. Try to force the update from this page here:
Just "Update Now" and follow the installation wizard. -
Thanks, Mike it worked. Why built in updates wouldn't let me choose which to install is silly.
I tried to hit the download button on the link with chrome' it didn't work. I had to use Microsoft Edge to download it.
Now I have a program update assistant.
Thank you so much. I am New to Windows 10 loaded with settings. Wow
I have mostly stayed on Linux for years.
Its the game thing. Got to have Windows for games.
I used to dual boot was going to do that on this computer. Not sure if I will. -
Well I had to uninstall it killed my performance in Borderlands 3
On the latest version you noticed an FPS decrease? How significant was it? Did you update your GPU drivers before uninstalling, to test? -
I am going at it again, seems that it does not like Amd Optimized Vsvncy. I got enough to back. lol
Ok, Borderlands runs better on 2004 version. What ever they did caused kill freezes. I can't go around with a mayhem 10 Hellwalker and one shot everyone. I get a kill freeze about once for every 5 I kill or less depends on the area I am at. I have latest Amd Driver. Here is the funny part my system exceeds the recommended by Gearbox. The New Amd Driver checks the game your playing and gives there own Recommend a 6800.
This reminds me of Doom 3 everyone one ran out to get a Nvidia 6800 Ultra to play it.
Kind of funny 6800 again and the same issue. lol
At least when Id software and nvidia did this cards where available at launch.
By the way the G464 rocks at a great price I recommend it.
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