Need feedback on the following build for Gaming and Development

I am working on building a new PC for Gaming, Software Development and some Video Editing.  
Here is the parts list I came up with on Micro Center's pc builder page.

Below are the minimal requirements
  • Ryzen 5900X 
  • 64 GB of Memory. To allow for a large sized Docker VM with at least 48 GB of memory for database and video editing performance.
  • RTX 3070 or Radeon RX6700.  Ray tracing is not important but performance in tensor flow is.
  • 1 TB M2 SSD PCIE 4.  For OS and Game speed 
  • 2 TB 2.5 SSD for VM's and raw video data files.
My goal is to keep the price around $2500 and allow me to hopefully up the 2.5 SSD to a 4GB 870 QVO for $419 to allow for more VM space and video editing space.
Please let me know of any issues I might have missed, and whether some parts are a bit high, where similar lower priced parts will do.

I would like to also replace the water cooler with an air cooler if possible, but not sure about whether an air cooler capable to handing a 5900X would interfere with the DIMMs.


  • Hello @RonLamb! With a build like this, you don't get any better unless you are wanting to get into overclocking. The only thing I would do is add more RAM to max out the board for faster processing. If 64GB is the minimum, take it all the way to get the most use of this rockstar machine. Also, what programs are you using for software development and video editing?
  • Thanks for reply.  
    I do most of my Video editing on my iPad, from videos I took from my iPhone.  However I find doing so on a touchscreen a bit wonky, so I have starting playing around with two free programs ShotCut, and Davinci Resolve.  Not very good with either yet, but learning.

    For software development I use, Docker and Kubernetes.  Databases it's mostly been Postgres and Oracle.  Just started getting into Mongo DB.  I use Visual Studio Code and Eclipse for software development.  Languages currently are Angular, Python which I am learning to supplement my C++ and Java development I do at work, where we are switching more to Angular and Python.

    I have also considering 128 GB, and also have a 2 x 32 GSkill Trident kit for about $25 more also as an option, so I can add another 64 GB later if find I need it.  

    I am also still wondering what parts of my PC have I maybe went a bit to high on, such as a 850 Watt Power Supply vs a 750.  Dropping from a Samsung 980 to Inland.  Then again by the time either the graphic's card or CPU are available, this parts list will be obsolete.
  • @RonLamb Looking into some of these programs that you are going to be using, it's doing way more than it's required. 16GB is good. 32GB is perfect but 64 is stellar. You can add more RAM over time if you like. You can drop the power supply to a 750W and substitute the 3070 for a 3060 or 2080 Ti (If you are able to find one). I would keep the SSD and the processor the same since your video editing relies heavily on those two. No need to change the SSD since they just differ in brands. Overall, this should make your build top of the line for everything overall without scaling back too much on cost for performance.
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