accidentally uninstalled my RGB software
the software was msi mystic light. when i try to re-download it says required msi dragon center. i downloaded it but will not fully install it says my could not install because of antivirus or other programs. i have disable my antivirus and no other programs use the software.
also i have googled how to fix this none have worked.
also i have googled how to fix this none have worked.
Hello @fracture96 thanks for posting on the Microcenter Community Forum. What motherboard do you have? Are you downloading the MSI Dragon Center from your motherboard website under Utility? You want to download it directly from your motherboard website and not the MSI Dragon Center Website.
i have been downloading it for the motherboard website, i have even done clean instals
problem still persists, it is a msi z490 plus mother board
Greetings. Do you have a picture of the exact error message you get when you try to install this?
it says please make sure the msi software service is not blocked by antivirus or other programs.
i have disabled my antivirus and stopped any other programs for using it -
@fracture96 check if the MSI central service is running. If its not running, start it and set it to automatic. See link below on how to do that.
@TSTDavey that file is missing i tried doing a fresh install but the error still occurs
@fracture96 what file is missing? The MSI Central Service is a Service. Is the MSI Central Service not showing up in Services when you go to Windows Services per what's described in the link?
Also did you attempt to install MSI dragon center from the MSI dragon site or directly from the motherboard site? You want to install it directly from the motherboard site. What is the make and model of your mobo? -
@TSTDavey the MSI central service is missing from windows services. and yes i have been trying to install it form the motherboards website and it is a msi z490 plus motherboard
fracture96 said:@TSTDavey the MSI central service is missing from windows services. and yes i have been trying to install it form the motherboards website and it is a msi z490 plus motherboard
Try to uninstall MSI SDK from Apps & Features and then try to re-launch MSI Dragon Center.
that did not work, i have tried all the options i could find online through forums or on msi own website
@fracture96 you do have a MSI z490 plus mobo correct? If so did you download the dragon center from the MSI z490 plus manufacturer website? You have to download it from the motherboard website not from the dragon website.
@TSTDavey on the motherboard and microcenters website says that the motherboard is a Z490 plus, there is no mobo
I have literally the exact same problem with the exact same board. Have you found a solution?
Have you tried the solution found here?
yes, I still have problems. no solution I could find worked. I have visited the microcenter near me and they had no technicians available until February
Have you tried starting your computer in Safe Mode and then trying to install the program?
no i have not.
I'd recommend testing that out, to further try to reduce any programs that may be keeping it from installing.
Please reply here or DM me if this is still an issue for you. It does seem that the standalone Mystic Lights software is causing a problem with Dragon Center, where it doesn't properly install the MSI SDK because of components that already there. Furthermore, it seems to be break the uninstall for the MSI SDK as well. I believe I have a solution that I'm testing right now. -
it is still an issue, i will probably go to the micro center store in my area to have them fix/trouble shoot, when the get their employees back in about a month.
I have a solution for you first. I'll paste the script below and provide some instructions.
1. Copy the contents in the quote box below into notepad. Save, change the file type to "All Files". Name the file to <name>.bat. The name doesn't matter, I called mine MSIUninstall.bat.
2. Right click on your new batch file and "Run as Administrator". Shouldn't take more than 10-20 seconds to run. The command prompt will close when it's done.
3. Open the start menu, right click on Dragon Center and "Run as administrator" as you're originally instructed to do. Should install the MSI SDK correctly this time, after a few minutes and run normally. No restart required.@echo off taskkill /f /im msi_companion_service.exe taskkill /f /im LEDKeeper2.exe taskkill /f /im LightKeeperService.exe MsiExec.exe /I{1745D314-9077-46C9-8562-1C62BAE189B7} MsiExec.exe /I{2B8E611F-0B51-4FAC-87BB-AF50D82E7DDA} MsiExec.exe /I{37A48B7F-D4EA-4863-844E-A284E2AA3C5D} MsiExec.exe /I{9E97178A-ADB8-4778-BE60-7E28E2A72721} MsiExec.exe /I{BDE43F26-5917-44F8-B86A-F1D9A6B80B32} FOR /f "tokens=*" %%G IN ('dir /b "C:\Program Files (x86)\MSI\One Dragon Center\Mystic_Light\unins*.exe"') DO "C:\Program Files (x86)\MSI\One Dragon Center\Mystic_Light\%%G" /silent FOR /f "tokens=*" %%G IN ('dir /b "C:\Program Files (x86)\MSI\One Dragon Center\Nahimic\unins*.exe"') DO "C:\Program Files (x86)\MSI\One Dragon Center\Nahimic\%%G" /silent FOR /f "tokens=*" %%G IN ('dir /b "C:\Program Files (x86)\MSI\One Dragon Center\Support\unins*.exe"') DO "C:\Program Files (x86)\MSI\One Dragon Center\Support\%%G" /silent FOR /f "tokens=*" %%G IN ('dir /b "C:\Program Files (x86)\MSI\One Dragon Center\True Color\unins*.exe"') DO "C:\Program Files (x86)\MSI\One Dragon Center\True Color\%%G" /silent FOR /f "tokens=*" %%G IN ('dir /b "C:\Program Files (x86)\MSI\One Dragon Center\VoiceControl\unins*.exe"') DO "C:\Program Files (x86)\MSI\One Dragon Center\VoiceControl\%%G" /silent reg delete HKLM\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\MSI /f del C:\ProgramData\MSI /Q
Let me know if you have any issues with this.
YOOOOO TSMike thank you for that bat script, it worked!! I had the same motherboard, and pc built from Microcenter as mentioned above, and the bat script ran perfectly and now it all works! Dragon Center installed properly, thanks man!
Glad to hear it worked for you!
Nice. For those that just want the original Mystic Light software and other drivers for your PowerSpec system (I have a Z490 Plus from MC too) you may go here and look for your system:
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