I've noticed a leak in my loop and may not be able to put off buying a new card

I was planning a new build anyways but was hoping to put it off until shortages clear up or the new cards become more availible. I noticed a dried fluid on the backplate of my card, so I am getting new tube and hoping for the best. But meantime, and current solutions.  I am looking at a portable build as I plan to move across the country in the summer so I need something to not take up a lot of space in my car. I currently run a 1080 FE, and play open world games mostly (think RDR2 GTAV, 2077) and am starting to show my age. I dont want to spend the insanity that is last gen prices on Nvidia chips that were last gen, so if I must look into a new card I think I may have to go AMD.  I find this to be acceptable, but I don't know which if any cards will do what I need (those and similar games, acceptable framerate,  4k. doesnt seem too much to ask)  is generally anything I look at going to be better than my current card just because multi generational leap?


  • Hello @Water623 sorry for the late response and thanks for posting on the Microcenter forum. For the games you play (GTA, Cyberpunk, etc.), the best 4k cards would be the nvidia 3000 series gpu (ex., 3080, 3090). You could go with the 3060 or the AMD RX 6800 or 5600 XT as well. These cards will accommodate your 4k Gaming and are way better than the GTX 1080.
  • Robmc125
    First Comment
    edited January 2021
    4k is allot to ask. Either pony up for 3080 or AMD equivalent. This is the first time ever you can play 4k ultra and maintain at least 60fps if not better.
    2080 was better then a 1080. 3080 is better then a 2080ti. A 3060ti will out perform your 1080 also.
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