Powerspec B677 Lost Bluetooth capability

Hello Everyone I'm Zach and I could use your help.
Soooo I bought the Power spec B677 from my local Micro Center and I have lost my Bluetooth option(s). I can't find it in my Access Prompt , Device manger, ect, I cant find it anywhere on my computer. I don't know when it happened but I use to have Bluetooth on this computer I have used it before with my cell phone. Then I started upgrading a few things. I got a new power supply, A new graphics card, And I added a SSD. I only play games and update windows 10 when updates come out. I got a Bluetooth controller for Christmas and when I tried connecting it I noticed that my ability to turn Bluetooth on, search for any devices, was gone. I can't find it anywhere to update the drivers I cant see it in my Device manager. I am out of ideas so I am turning to these forums, I have some average knowledge about computers maybe a little above average but not by much this is the first time I had a problem like this. If anyone as any ideas I am all ears. I do have a Back up for my PC saved on a Flash drive from when I first got this PC, but I don't want to have to do a factory restart.
Dose anyone have any weird ideas I can try?
Soooo I bought the Power spec B677 from my local Micro Center and I have lost my Bluetooth option(s). I can't find it in my Access Prompt , Device manger, ect, I cant find it anywhere on my computer. I don't know when it happened but I use to have Bluetooth on this computer I have used it before with my cell phone. Then I started upgrading a few things. I got a new power supply, A new graphics card, And I added a SSD. I only play games and update windows 10 when updates come out. I got a Bluetooth controller for Christmas and when I tried connecting it I noticed that my ability to turn Bluetooth on, search for any devices, was gone. I can't find it anywhere to update the drivers I cant see it in my Device manager. I am out of ideas so I am turning to these forums, I have some average knowledge about computers maybe a little above average but not by much this is the first time I had a problem like this. If anyone as any ideas I am all ears. I do have a Back up for my PC saved on a Flash drive from when I first got this PC, but I don't want to have to do a factory restart.
Dose anyone have any weird ideas I can try?
Hello. The wireless card is what gives your system Bluetooth. Bluetooth and Wi-Fi almost always comes from the same adapter, as Bluetooth is done over the 2.4Hz frequency. Is your Wi-Fi working at all? Double check you have the antennas in at the back of the computer on the card itself.
If you have the antennas in, please try downloading the LAN Drivers for the system here; https://www.asrock.com/mb/spec/product.us.asp?Model=802.11ac Dual Band WiFi Adapter#osW1064 and then perform a power cycle.
I feel like such a Goomba. When you said and brought up that it was a wireless card was the issue the first thing I did was check the hardware. I use my WIFI at home so the antennas where connected already. When I installed my new graphics card I had to remove a pin cable that is attached from the wireless card to a USB Pin Port on the mother board. After installing the new graphics card when plugging the pin cable back into the wireless card it was offset and not connected correctly * Face into palm* I should of removed the Wireless card then installed my new graphics card, I would of been able to see my work better and avoid this error altogether.
Ian I want to Thank You for taking the time to read my message, Truly saved the day.
- Zach
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