Compatibility Auto bed leveler

Bought an Ender-3 V2 also bought a auto bed leveling sensor for the 3D printer however when the gift was open it was noted that the auto bed sensor which is a (BLTouch) was labeled for a use with a Creality V1 mainboard and not for a V2 main board is this sensor compatible with my Ender3-V2 or do I need to return and get one marked for the V@ mainboard


  • It is compatible, but installation will be a little less straightforward.

    The V2 mainboard includes a 5 pin port specifically for the BL touch that is absent from the V1 mainboard. The BL Touch for the V2 Mainboard is comes with a cable to use this 5 pin port. This 5 pin connection is keyed and handles all the signals needed for the BL Touch, making installation very simple. The BL Touch for the V1 mainboard splits this 5 pin connector into a 2 pin and 3 pin connector. You'll need to connect the 2 pin header to the Z endstop port and the 3 pin connector to the appropriate pins on the 5 pin port. There's more information available here:
  • Thanks for the feed back I will install this weekend after reviewing the web site
  • AlexPasseno
    AlexPasseno Store Associate
    Photogenic Name Dropper First Answer Micro Center Store Associate

    we found out recently that you can also use the display breakout board that comes with the kit you got! pretty straightforward just use the firmware bin file on crealities website, it has a boot loader so you just need to throw it on a microsd card and reboot the printer

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