WD Blue 1TB HDD (WD10EZEX) isn't recognized by Windows 7 (in file explorer or diskmgmt.msc)

Yes, I know I need to upgrade to Windows 10 (and look into an SSD as well) but first things first. 
On booting, I get this message:

Copyright (c) 2003-2008 Intel Corporation                                                                                           18
*** This version supports only Hard Disk and CDROM drives ***
Please wait. This will take a few seconds.
Controller Bus#00, Device#1F, Function#02: 06 Ports, 02 Devices
Port-00: Hard Disk, WDC WD10EZEX-00BNA500
Port-01: No device detected
Port-05: No device detected
AHCI BIOS Installed

As you can see Port 00 is my boot  WD Blue 1TB HDD (same model as new drive) that I've had for a couple of years without issue.

Notice the 02 Devices.  If I unplug my new device it shows 01 Devices.  Does that mean anything? This would seem like a good thing.

I've swapped the SATA cables and power supply between the these two drives with no difference (except my boot disk points to Port-01) to eliminate those issues. 

Windows reports that my driver for the current boot drive is up to date.  Although maybe not for the new drive...?

I have a GIGABYTE GA-Z68-UD3H-B3 motherboard running an Award BIOS version F12 dated 03/20/2012. The only update for the BIOS is to upgrade to UEFI which I haven't had the need to or want to - given my machine has been stable for years. I want to just keep my current bootable Win 7  WD Blue as an external drive via USB (or backup boot drive)  and the new one to be used for a new clean install of windows 10. I just want to see the new drive before proceeding. I tried to connect the new drive via a USB to SATA drive adapter without any luck either. I can tell you that the new drive does spin upon booting and stays spinning until just about the time I run diskmgmt.msc when it stops and disk management reports nothing about this new drive.

I went through all of this with Western Digital tech support via chat, and they suggested I just return the drive. 
I don't know if the tech was just searching the internet for a fix or management has decided it's in everybody's best interest to just return the $40 retail item.



  • PowerSpec_MikeW
    PowerSpec_MikeW PowerSpec Engineer
    Sixth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Answers 250 Likes
    Greetings @chris_g8

    Two questions for you to start. What SATA ports on the board have you tried and what storage controller mode are you set to in the BIOS?
  • I tried the 6 ports and all the same. The disk spins for a spell then stops. No detection inside windows.  The device count is 2. The screen will pause on port detection on the port I was connected to, but would still return no detection.
    I performed the Load Fail-Safe Defaults. This set the PCH SATA Control Mode to IDE.  This wreaked havoc until I reset to ACHI.
    I'll probably get yet another drive and cable and a better quality USB to SATA drive adapter when the ice melts (metro Kansas City got hit with some sleet/ice mess). 
    Thanks for taking the time to respond. 
    All the best,
  • I exchanged the drive in question with another one of the same make and model from Micro Center and had no problems.   I owe Western Digital Technical Support an apology for they thought that the drive was probably defective and they were right. 
  • Ian
    Ian ✭✭✭✭✭
    Eighth Anniversary 5000 Comments 250 Answers 500 Likes
    Unfortunately defective products can happen, I am glad to hear a swap out got you up and running.
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