About the replacement plan on Motherboard, Cpu and Gpu

Dear Micro center support team,

I want to ask some questions about the replacement plan I bought on CPU and GPU.

I would need to overclock my GPU for rendering work, if the GPU died within the period of replacement plan, can I bring it to micro center for replacement?

If not, can you please specify what kinds of defunctions are covered by the plan?

And about the CPU, if the cpu pins got bent or got hit by the static electricity , can I bring the cpu to microcenter for a service or replacement? 

If not, can you please specify what kinds of defunctions would be covered?

Or are there any plans thay could covered the cpu pins bent or shocking by static electricity?

About the Motherboard replacement plan, if it got short circuit defunction or got hitting by static electricity or missing components, can I bring it to micro center for a replacement?

If it only replaces for store credit instead of a new item, would that credit include my tax paid for the initial purchase?

Thank you and have a great day.


  • TS_EmileC
    TS_EmileC admin
    100 Comments Second Anniversary 5 Likes First Answer
    edited January 2021
    Hello @Joshua47
    -Overclocked components aren't covered if the overclocking is the cause for failure.
    -CPU/Motherboards if a power outage occurs and your system components fail, we would want to bench test them to ensure they are working before replacing them under warranty. We can't fix the CPU itself, only replace them. Bent pins aren't covered unless it was like that in the box. If it's user caused, not covered.
    -A credit under a replacement plan does not include tax.

    I also, deleted the second thread you made since it was a repeat of the same post.
  • TS_EmileC said:
    Hello @Joshua47
    -Overclocked components aren't covered if the overclocking is the cause for failure.
    -CPU/Motherboards if a power outage occurs and your system components fail, we would want to bench test them to ensure they are working before replacing them under warranty. We can't fix the CPU itself, only replace them. Bent pins aren't covered unless it was like that in the box. If it's user caused, not covered.
    -A credit under a replacement plan does not include tax.

    I also, deleted the second thread you made since it was a repeat of the same post.
    Thank you dor answer the questions. I have read the micro center web page about the replacement plan, but the words are a little bit vague.

    Especially on determining the "normal using".

    My concerns are mainly about the short circuit on Motherboard, and the high temperature for ryzen cpus in the summer.

    The short circuit could happened any time, and it could possibly bring problems on my cpu and gpu.

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