Looking to upgrade PC, currently only getting 20 fps on games like Warzone and WOW

Could I upgrade my graphics card and or other parts to make this computer run games like warzone and wow at 120 fps and have the game looks good?
processor: i7-7700K CPU @ 4.20GHz (8 CPUs), ~4.2GHz
memory: 163848MB RAM
Graphics:  GeForce GTX 1060 3GB
motherboard: ASUS BaseBoard Product PRIME Z270-A
I'm fine spending what is necessary to solve this issue.
any help is greatly appreciated!


  • JS_MC
    JS_MC admin
    Third Anniversary 5 Awesomes 5 Up Votes 25 Answers
    edited January 2021
    Hello @mill3794 Welcome to the community!
    Upgrading your GPU would be the most economical way to get the most performance in a single upgrade. Another thing to consider would be your storage. Your processor should be fine as is and should not be causing a bottleneck. I'd have to recommend a GPU upgrade!
    However, even with your current system you should be getting more FPS than 20. Are you certain that your monitor is plugged into your GPU and not the motherboard? It sounds like you may be running on your integrated graphics.
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