Availability of Pavilion SKU:149211 at St. Louis Park MN

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edited June 2021 in General Discussion
My online order #11961579 was accepted, then cancelled. When I put the order in there were two available computers listed. What's going on? I tried calling the number on the cancellation (closed) and I wanted to call the store - no longer an option? And I tried to chat - no one online???

A good friend of mine in the IT world strongly recommended Micro Center for general awesomeness. I placed my order, thinking I would support a local business. I'm not feeling the awesomeness. 


  • Hello @John_S thanks for posting on the Microcenter Community Forum. We apologize for the confusion and inconvenience. Our business over this past year has extremely increased with consumers working from home now. So we've made some changes on how the store is made available. Due to the increase in business, it also has impacted our in-store reservation process, which unfortunately does not always guarantee the item will be available for a reservation now. We recommend to come to the store with your order# 119641579, there is display model for the Hp Pavilion. Normally the store do not sell display models, but a Store Manager may work with you or get you into a comparable desktop to the HP Pavilion. Let us know if want to go that direction, we'll create a ticket and send down to a Store Manager on the issue.
  • I'm following a lot of what you say but 1) I did not 'reserve' a computer, I ordered it online. 2) The store, while local, is about an hour round trip. I would not want to make the trip unless I know I can get what I am looking for.  I have no problems with a display model but this still sounds very up in the air. 
  • PowerSpec_MikeW
    PowerSpec_MikeW PowerSpec Engineer
    Sixth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Answers 250 Likes
    Greetings @John_S

    I just checked the inventory at that location and they are showing sold out, the order was cancelled due to the product being unavailable. It's very likely the item was already pulled for a customer in store. We do apologize for the inconvenience. If you like, we can send a request for contact to the store, and see if we can have a manager verify this, as well as have an associate look into other options in our inventory. If you would like for us to do this, let me know. I'll setup a ticket, and we'll contact you via email for your contact information.
  • Yeah, that would be great.
  • Ian
    Ian ✭✭✭✭✭
    Eighth Anniversary 5000 Comments 250 Answers 500 Likes
    John_S said:
    Yeah, that would be great.
    Thank you, we have sent you an email for further assistance with this. 
  • I did not get a response from the store after this forum post, nor did I get a response after I called. 
  • Ian
    Ian ✭✭✭✭✭
    Eighth Anniversary 5000 Comments 250 Answers 500 Likes
    John_S said:
    I did not get a response from the store after this forum post, nor did I get a response after I called. 
    I am sorry for the trouble, I have informed my management here to escalate this over to the store.
  • Thanks, Ian. They called, it ran three-four times, they hung up. I called back and am in the national call center. 
  • Hello @John_S

    I have spoke with our supervisors and resescalated the issue and you should be receiving a call back shortly.  
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