LG 32UN650-W backlight bleed
I just picked up this monitor today from my local Micro Center. After connecting it at home I played some 4k dark content and the backlight bleed is really bad. Particularly a couple inches above the bottom left corner. I have this right next to two 27" IPS panels, one is a Dell and the other HP where there is not nearly as much bleed. In fact it is just a dim glow around the edge where this LG panels has chunks of uneven bleed all around it. Is this typical for this monitor or did I just a a bad panel? Should I exchange for another or just return and buy something else?
Here is a picture of the bleeding. Would anyone keep this monitor?
Hello @mike1234 thanks for posting on the Microcenter Community Forum. We really can't tell the backlight bleeding from your image. Do you have the brightness all the way up? Does it go away if you reduce your brightness a little?
The brightness is at 40% in that picture. at 100 it is even worse. The monitor came calibrated to 100 as this monitor is advertised at precalibrated. Here is the picture blown up. Not sure how you can not see it.
I think I am going to take it back and ask that they either allow me to exchange it for another to see if I just got a bad panel or return it and buy something else. -
@mike1234 we'll email for you some information.
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