MSI GP66 & GP76 Leopard with Intel 10-Series i7 & Nvidia RTX 3070 - Now In Stock!
Looking for a brand-new do-it-all laptop with an Intel 10-Series i7 and an Nvidia RTX 3070? The freshly-released MSI GP66 and GP76 Leopard have you covered.
Designed for both gamers and creators, the Leopard series offers a sleek, thin body hiding some of the most powerful tech on the market, including Nvidia’s Ampere RTX 3070 graphics cards and Intel’s i7 Comet Lake processor.
Get the most out of your games with 2nd Generation RTX Ray Tracing for deeper visuals and DLSS AI acceleration for better FPS on the GP Leopard’s 1080p, 144hz monitor, with support for up to two additional monitors.
Customize your GP Leopard with per-key RGB illumination and MSI’s exclusive Dragon Center, ensuring that your laptop is uniquely your own.
The GP Leopard series offer top-of-the-line processing power while maintaining a sleek, portable form factor. The GP76 clocks in at only 1.08,” with a 17.3" screen, while the GP66 isn't even an inch thick, sitting at 0.92” with a 15.6" screen.
Want more? Check out the attached spec sheets, then drop by your local Micro Center because the MSI GP66 and GP76 Leopard are out TODAY.
Will I be able to buy it in store I need a new laptop
Also how much is this new laptop?
Zacharycoolguy said:Will I be able to buy it in store I need a new laptop
GP76: -
Are these the only 30 series powered laptops currently available in your stores? I tried searching the store to see what options were available, but didn't find any results, including these ones.
Nauzhror said:Are these the only 30 series powered laptops currently available in your stores? I tried searching the store to see what options were available, but didn't find any results, including these ones.
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