What can I do if my new pc build is reading my bootable usb drive when I have changed it to fat32?

My pc reads a new usb but when I have changed the format to fat32 with windows in the usb, my pc isn’t able to recognize or detect the usb. 


  • It is possible that your windows might not be assigning letters to the drives properly. You should open run (Windows + R), and then type 'diskmgmt.msc'. If you can view your drive there, just simply assign a letter to drive by right-clicking on the partition of your USB drive and assigning it a letter.
  • I am still stuck in the bios of the motherboard 
  • LandShark said:
    It is possible that your windows might not be assigning letters to the drives properly. You should open run (Windows + R), and then type 'diskmgmt.msc'. If you can view your drive there, just simply assign a letter to drive by right-clicking on the partition of your USB drive and assigning it a letter.
    It’s not able to detect it from the bios 
  • PowerSpec_MikeW
    PowerSpec_MikeW PowerSpec Engineer
    Sixth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Answers 250 Likes

    I believe you're telling us the drive works in the OS, but you can't boot to it? How did you create this drive? Can you take a screenshot and show us the folder structure?
  • TSMikeW said:

    I believe you're telling us the drive works in the OS, but you can't boot to it? How did you create this drive? Can you take a screenshot and show us the folder structure?
    I downloaded windows creation media tool onto a usb but I’m not able to boot to the usb 
  • @Oscarsoto99 was your usb a blank USB when you downloaded the iso files onto the usb? Also you are changing your computer's boot sequence to usb correct? Were assuming its not booting to usb when changing the boot sequence. If its not booting from the USB, you want to download the iso file again and make sure there is no data on the usb you are using.
  • TSTDavey said:
    @Oscarsoto99 was your usb a blank USB when you downloaded the iso files onto the usb? Also you are changing your computer's boot sequence to usb correct? Were assuming its not booting to usb when changing the boot sequence. If its not booting from the USB, you want to download the iso file again and make sure there is no data on the usb you are using.
    Yes the usb was blank and the sequence was set correctly, when I tried downloading the iso files to the usb there was an error stating that there wasn’t enough space but it was a 64 gb usb then I reformatted to fat32 the download was successful and when I plugged the usb to the motherboard is wasn’t detecting/recognizing the usb as fat32
  • PowerSpec_MikeW
    PowerSpec_MikeW PowerSpec Engineer
    Sixth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Answers 250 Likes

    That's true. The WIM file on newer versions of Windows 10 exceeds the 4GB file size limit of FAT32. What PC are you installing the OS on? Mainly what platform and chipset. Why are you not able to run the media creation tool? Are you creating the media on OSX?
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