How do I go about warranty?

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edited January 2021 in General Discussion
I have an Inland Premium 1Tb SSD(boot drive) which I had for about a few months now. I suspect the ssd is failing as when I boot up my PC I am getting a "proper Boot device" error. Already looked through BIOS and everything so... 
I have the receipt from 07/07/2020. So how should RMA this Inland SSD?



  • PowerSpec_MikeW
    PowerSpec_MikeW PowerSpec Engineer
    Sixth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Answers 250 Likes

    Inland is our in house brand. All you would need to do is to bring the drive in for a replacement if it has failed. Now, the drive is no longer bootable. Is the drive detected in the BIOS at all? Have you tried to reinstall and OS on it to see if it's even showing up at this point?
  • TSMikeW said:

    Inland is our in house brand. All you would need to do is to bring the drive in for a replacement if it has failed. Now, the drive is no longer bootable. Is the drive detected in the BIOS at all? Have you tried to reinstall and OS on it to see if it's even showing up at this point?
    It's not even being detected anymore on my BIOS. 
  • PowerSpec_MikeW
    PowerSpec_MikeW PowerSpec Engineer
    Sixth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Answers 250 Likes

    You can reseat the card, but if nothing change and the system wasn't moved, that's pretty clear cut. Bring the drive in, we'll replace it under warranty.
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