Dummy thickk gaming

My laptop of 6 years lit on fire the other day, forcing me to become a big boy and get an actual computer. 
Money isn't an issue; I want something that will last comfortably for years to come.
This is what I made by basically choosing the most expensive things:
I suppose what I'm asking is whether these parts are compatible and if I'm missing anything. 
I know little about the new generation of equipment so I am open for suggestions. 


  • PowerSpec_MikeW
    PowerSpec_MikeW PowerSpec Engineer
    Sixth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Answers 250 Likes
    Greetings @Lemon_King

    All the parts are compatible except for the heatsink. The UX100 is inadequate for this processor. I'm going to recommend you replace that part with a 240/280MM AIO, or even a 360MM AIO.  I would actually prefer the latter given your motherboard choice.  Check out out the Kraken X73 or Corsair H150i, should fit just fine in the front of the chassis you selected.

    On the RAM, don't go with the 4x16GB configuration. Swap over to a DDR4 2x32GB configuration. You're not losing anything in performance, it'll be easier to push the frequency and timings, less likely you'll have an issue with loading the XMP profile. Also, you give yourself the room to upgrade in the future.

    You selected a SATA SSD. An NVME drive is going to be considerably faster and your board certainly supports it. Swap the 860 EVO out for a 970 EVO NVME drdive.
  • Thank you! I looked up the fans, but noticed both were water cooled. Is there a non water cooled option that will cool well enough? If not, what should I downgrade to for max power with regular cooling?

    The list of parts has 16GB RAM as the biggest available, should I buy 2 32 GB separately or is it not that big of a deal?

    970 EVO 2 TB NVME added.
    Once again thank you, @TSMikeW!

  • Is there a reason you are opposed to an AIO?
    If you're interested in air cooling, the NH-D15 offers impressive performance!
    The last thing I'm noticing is that you don't have a power supply selected. I'd recommend at least an 850 Watt PSU.
    I hope this helps!
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