new G436 water cooler question

edited June 2021 in General Discussion
I just picked up the G436 two days ago (Friday) - Question:  are both fan units on the water cooler mounted to the top supposed to be on?  Only one is.  I dove from PA to the paterson store, so driving back is a major issue for me.


  • never mind, i traced the wires and found the issue.  next up, why I don't have any sound...

  • PowerSpec_MikeW
    PowerSpec_MikeW PowerSpec Engineer
    Sixth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Answers 250 Likes
    Greetings @poconosms1

    I assume the cable wasn't seated properly, both those fans should always run. We'll certainly help you sort this out. Verify your default sound device is set properly and not defaulting to an HDMI or DP output. I like  to use the old sound control panel. Try Windows + R and type: control mmsys.cpl playback

    Lets see what is the default and whether it's detecting output going to the device.
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