powerspec i5 7500 - keep and upgrade or get new system?

I currently have a powerspec i5 7500 - several years old, but has been running great until recently.  I'm having a lot of lag in games and opening anything is starting to take forever.  I'm looking at either upgrading my current computer or getting a new one.  What would everyone recommend?  And what parts would be the best to use to upgrade?  Don't have a ton of money. 


  • Hello @Janaynay and thanks for posting on the Microcenter Community Forum. What is the model of your  Powerspec? Is it a G series or B series model, etc.? You can also give us the serial number off the Powerspec and we'll be able to know what model you have. The upgrades depend on the model of the computer you have (ex, Motherboard, PSU, GPU, etc.).  Also how long has the system been lagging? Have any drivers been updated on the the Powerspec?
  • It's a G151.  It's been lagging for about 6 months.  I updated drivers.  
  • There are a couple things you could upgrade for a performance increase without having to purchase a new system.

    You could upgrade your RAM. Since your system only has 8GB of RAM it's quite likely that your OS is writing a fair amount of information to your pagefile. Which means that it will take more time to retrieve that information. Upgrading to 16GB of total RAM would also greatly benefit your system's performance.
    You could add an SSD, as this will give you much faster load times. I would recommend at least a 500GB SSD here.  If you moved your OS to the SSD it would drastically increase boot times as well.
    Lastly, I would recommend upgrading your GPU for better performance in games. More GPU performance typically equals better game performance. It's not quite a 1:1 performance increase, but as long as you have no serious bottlenecks it is the way to get higher graphic fidelity.
    If you're upgrading your system, I would recommend doing so in the order I mentioned the parts above.
    Please let us know if you have any more questions!
  • I will try these.  Thank you!!!
  • You're quite welcome! Again, do let us know if you have any questions or concerns! We're here for you! 😊😁
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