Unable to play DirectX games with new MSI RTX 3090 GAMING X TRIO

I just bought a new RTX 3090 MSI GAMING X TRIO and I am unable to play any DirectX games such as Cyberpunk and Battlefront II on Windows 10. I have been able to play Vulkan games though such as Read Dead Online and Hades. I do have a 850W power supply and have been running hardware monitor to make sure it is not drawing too much power and it does not seem to be the issue.
The current steps I have tried are:
  • Validated game files
  • Reinstalled the games
  • Uninstalled Graphics drivers through GeForce Exerpience and reinstalled drivers
  • Uninstalled drivers using DDU and reinstalled drivers manually
  • Did fresh install of windows
  • Ran a memory test and found no issues
  • Ran DxDiag and fun no problems
I am currently out of ideas of what to try. At this point, I'm wondering if there is a defect with the GPU itself. Is there any more troubleshooting steps I should try before taking the GPU back?


  • It sounds like you've covered almost all of the bases here. I'd recommend reseating the GPU. I don't know if this will fix things, but I'd definitely recommend trying. 
    When you say that you're unable to play, what exactly happens that is not allowing you to play?
    What kind of error is occurring?
  • PowerSpec_MikeW
    PowerSpec_MikeW PowerSpec Engineer
    Sixth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Answers 250 Likes

    We're going to need more details on what it's doing. Will the game not launch? Will it launch but crashes after a certain or intermittent time frame?

    Also, please upload your DXDIAG.
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