PC Having Black Screens and Restarts when playing games
So I built my first PC a few months ago and started having some issues that are becoming more frequent. The issues are usually related to being in game and the screen going black, and most of the time the PC restarts. AMD Software often says that WattMan as been reset to defaults or there was a GPU timeout. Specifically playing World of Warcraft I have had the black screen and reset. Playing Control I have had freezing at loading screens and unable to close the window(using single monitor). I am kind of lost about what is going on since the error reports are not helpful. Does anyone have any suggestions?
AMD Ryzen 9 3900X 12-Core Processor
AMD Radeon RX 5700 XT Driver Version: 20.4.2
Radeon Software Version 21.2.1
Link to build specs below
Hello @laufangseo and thanks for posting on the Microcenter Community Forum. The screen going black and restarts while playing a game should be something with your 5700 XT card. Have you attempted to uninstall the 5700 and delete its drivers, then restart computer and reinstall the 5700 drivers? Another option to try is to update your chipset drivers for your X570 board. The link is below for the chipset. Also make sure your power options in control panel is set to "High Performance" as well. Try those above options I mentioned above as troubleshooting steps and let us know the results. We'll have more options if non of these work.
X570 link:
Ill try the chipset driver. I assume I just run the .exe from the AMD Chipset Driver zip. I did that but also did the APU driver but that was an accident. I'll see if deleting and updating drivers seems to help if that did not
Yes, running the .exe should start the driver installation process. It should restart your computer to complete the installation.
Please let us know if this is a solution for you!
I will see. If I do go about uninstalling and reinstalling drivers, how should I do that? AMD Cleanup Utility or Manually with windows?
For chipset drivers, you'll have to do that manually. For graphics drivers and audio drivers, you could use the AMD Cleanup Utility.
I did the AMD cleanup utility, followed steps from this video (without the windows update blocker)
I downloaded the AMD Radeon Software utility and Audio Driver
I logged back into one of my games and within 10 minutes I got a Blackscreen/Lag and AMD reported a driver timeout
@laufangseo just chiming in. Looks like you have a 5700 XT. Did you purchase the 5700 from MC? The card could be defective. If it was purchased from MC, we'd like to look at the purchase to see the 5700 distributor on the order (ex., MSI, Powercolor, etc.).
I did not purchase it from MC since my local store did not the model I wanted. I ordered it off Newegg
EDIT: I did register my product with AORUS on their website
I also did change the voltage in the RAM early in the build but did not see any issues when I did
I would recommend enabling XMP. It's possible that it may have been stable, but changes in the system elsewhere can cause instability.
Setting your system to its defaults would be best while testing this issue.
Starting the system in safe mode and then testing would also be something I'd recommend. This will further narrow down the possibilities of what could be causing this.
Just from the info you've shared, this does seem like it is based around the GPU, however, I'd recommend ruling the rest of the possibilities out.
I decided to take the PC in to my local Microcenter. Hopefully will hear back about what is up over the next few days
@laufangseo Sounds like you've got a great plan in motion.
Let me know if you've got any other questions or if I can help in any way!
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