[QUESTION] regarding the Atari 32GB Micro SD Retropie image


I wanted to ask if anyone can confirm if I can add additional Atari 2600/5200/7800 games to this card or am I stuck with the games that come pre-installed?

Also, is it possible to copy the built in Atari theme and use it on a different MicroSD card with a fresh Retropie installation so that I could add additional roms/games to the system? I'm asking this in case you can't add more games to the official image that comes with the Atari 32GB MicroSD image. I've been wanting to make an Atari Retropie image with all my 2600/5200/7800 games, but the themes I've found so far just don't feel right to me. The new MC theme screenshots I saw look basic, but capture that feel of the basic graphics and looks of the old Atari systems or the games on those systems. I really want to use that theme. :)

Any info is appreciated.




  • @Draugr

    Yes, you can add additional games using the methods found here. Our image is built on the standard version of RetroPie but has some configuration files for our most popular controllers, ROMs for our licensed games, and our new theme.

    If you want to use a raw installation of RetroPie you can extract the mc theme after installing the image. I think it's stored in /home/pi/.emulationstation/themes/mc, but it's been a while since I made the theme and I don't have a pi set up to check right now.

  • On my way right now to pick it up at my local MC.

    Thanks for the info. I'm excited to get back to building my Atari Pi image. :)

  • i ssh into mine and added many more roms and systems like @NickBiederman stated its a standard retropie image with there theme's added

  • Heatvent
    First Comment Name Dropper
    edited September 2022

    Hi, it looks like the SD Card is no longer available. Does MC offer/share the Retropie image/theme? I would be interested in getting this (actually the full SD card image if it were available).


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