Ender-6 isn't homed correctly
I have a Creality Ender-6. I can't get it set up correctly. When I am in the Aux Leveling screen it doesn't seem to know where the nozzle actually is. When I press "3" or "4" it positions the nozzle far to the left of where it should be. I expect the nozzle to be right of center on the Printing Platform but it isn't. If I try to select "5", "1" or "2" it goes all the way to the left and makes a ratcheting noise like it's trying to go off the left side of the platform. Please advise.
Does the printer auto home when you start leveling? If not, try homing it before starting the leveling process. I haven't used the Ender 6 so I'm not sure what the menu structure looks like. Also, make sure the belts aren't loose enough to slip.
are you able to move the head in a straight direction through the UI? if you try to and it moves diagonally one of the motor drivers is busted
Hi KMHickey - did you solve your problem, I have the same issue
Found the problem – the microswitch was damaged, so it could not centre it’s self properly
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