3060 Launch MA Microcenter
It is now 2 days and 1.5 hours from the 12PM EST launch time.
Some questions which an admin put on a previous post more news would be up on the 23rd. It is the 23rd :)
Will they be in store?
With a 12PM launch time is there a method microcenter uses during the first 3 hours of their store opening prior to launch? West coast gets lucky this time.
I assume MSI is going to be there given seemingly useless stock of 1030 MSI gpus stacked to the ceiling every day.... But what are the odds of brands like ASUS and EVGA being there.
Just trying to get more info, or a time when you are no longer under NDA and will speak to this on the forum. As prior I assume based on an admin response that would be sometime today the 23rd.
The info is there, it is just who has it at this time and when will it be released? (I have seen Land's responses to the posts, but surely you know the time at which said info will be posted, most likely days prior to this).
Appreciate it, minus the 1030 stockpiles lol. Trying to finish my GF gift by 3/3 for her birthday. Sitting ready minus a GPU.
Hello @NameIdeas
We did expect to have a bit more information based on the way that NVIDIA has done the previous release of these GPUs. Currently, I'm in the dark on this release as well and since I haven't been given any info about the new GPU, I'm not certain of the NDA expiry either.
I'd assume we will have various brands available when the new 3060 does release, however, I can't promise which brands we will have. I'm almost certain it will vary from store to store. For example, we may have some availability differing in Tustin vs. St. Louis Park.
All this being said, as soon as we have any info about these GPUs we'll be updating you here on our forum and on our website!
Our stores will have normal operating hours and from my understanding, the voucher systems we had in place for the previous launches would still be accurate for the upcoming launch. You can find that info here: LINK
Best of luck with getting one for your GF!
So in terms of vouchers. The store will have been open for 3 hours before the release. And with 25% capicity for Covid in the MA store will someone in the store get a voucher first? Or will vouchers be given out at store opening? Maybe a line will be kept outside (Its damn cold atm aha) all the way till 12 seperate from shoppers?
Basically for anyone not on the west coast does microcenter have a plan about all that due to NVIDIA being weird about the time on this one.
While I am worried about COVID this is my last good chance to get one for her.
I know you guys cannot advise to wait outside prior to opening.
Since each store is likely to handle this differently, I'd have to recommend heading to the store.
Previously, we've used a waitlist app, to create a virtual line. Things are definitely subject to change, so I can't be sure that is how we will be handling this release. The best bet for you is to visit the store.
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