Tustin 3060 Launch
Will there be 3060 in stock at Tustin? And how do I go about obtaining one, as this is my first time trying for a launch.
Ya wait outside store in line hoping to get one because you know there will be a limited supply
We have limited information available for the RTX3060. We do hope to have some available and our stores will be handing out vouchers on a first come first served basis, limited to only the stock they have on hand on launch day.
In other words alot of people will be SOL
I wouldn't say that, but also I can't be certain. Since I have limited information about the release I can't really make comment on how anything will go.
Is there a price sheet or something for the models that you may or may not get in available anywhere? That would be super helpful when deciding to wait out in the cold tomorrow. Based on some news today that came out the markups from some companies are absurd. I want to make sure there is a chance at least a 3060 @ <=400 could be available or else I am not going to waste my time.
Thank you for yours.
Hey @Glix
I'm afraid I don't have any additional information about the upcoming 3060 launch. NVIDIA is choosing to keep us in the dark for the time being. I'm hoping for the same as you. It would be great to have a Gen 2 RTX card for a sub 400 price.
ya keeping people in the dark means paper release only with limited supply. i am not holding my breath
I don't think that's quite true. NDA's often keep us in the dark regardless of stock or supply. It just the set date for when an entity can release information based on a contractual agreement. As soon as we have access to the information, we'll be happy to share it! For the time being, I don't have any more information regarding the 3060 launch.
ty for the information landshark.
First time PC build and first time launch day for me. I don't know if I should even try to go to the store. If I leave now I will get there about 11AM. I'm guessing no stock by then?
Hello, our Community team is not located at a specific store, typically on a release day from what we see if you are not there before / at store opening, the chance of getting one is probably very low.
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