Dallas Acer Predator X35 restock?

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edited June 2021 in General Discussion
Any idea when Dallas will restock the Acer Predator X35?  It's one of the only stores in the country that doesn't have any in stock.


  • Hello @SteveOrz

    This monitor is actually not one of our primarily stocked items. This is considered to be one of our 'new' items so it is still being determined on how often or if we will continue to stock it. My best advice would be to keep an eye on the website for when it comes back in stock. Once it is in stock, you should be able to reserve it online and pick it up in-store. I am sorry I do not have any further information on this.

  • If that's the case, would this be something the Dallas store would consider bringing up from the Houston store that has a number of them in stock?
  • Hello @SteveOrz Chiming in here for a quick answer about this! Great question! However, our stores aren't equipped to ship out items. I'd recommend visiting your store to speak with an associate about this.

  • Is there a number or email for the store I can contact?  I went to the store and talked to someone the other day.  The Dallas store said they'd be willing to bring one up from Houston, if the Houston store agreed.  The manager was about to go into a meeting so couldn't check right then.  The associate took down my contact info, but I've not heard back.  I noticed that the stock in Houston decreased one, so they either sold one or pulled on to send up, but I've no idea.  It's a 40 min drive to the store so I'd rather not run down there again just for an update.
  • Hey @SteveOrz

    I apologize but I don't have any phone or emails for associates in the store.

    I'll send you an email to see if I can get some personal info from you regarding this.

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