CPU Integrated Graphics Help

Hello All,

I have decided to go with an i5-10400f to use as my cpu for my first PC build. I have a GTX 1660 super to go along with it. However I do have one question. Is it possible to use a dedicated graphics card such as my GTX 1660 Super with a processor that has integrated graphics, such as the i5-10400? If so, would it help boost graphics settings and performances, such as boosting FPS in games? Let me know if I should go with the i5-10400 instead of the dedicated graphics card required i5-10400f. Thanks so much!


  • Hello @Shark101

    Integrated graphics would be useful if you're having an issue with your dedicated GPU, but otherwise, your dedicated GPU would be used for all graphics. It's a toggled switch. So you'll either be using your integrated or dedicated graphics. They do not stack or work together to add more FPS.

    I hope this makes sense, but please let me know if you have more questions.

    I'd recommend the F as they are typically a bit cheaper.

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