Need help finding graphics card

I was wondering if anyone knew where i can get a GTX 1650 super TUF or any other type of graphics card good for a budget build.


  • Hello @DrySoup and thanks for posting on the Microcenter Community Forum. You probably are aware there is a shortage on GPUs. Its a challenge for any local retailer to keep cards stocked. You can definitely get a GTX 1650 Super Tuf from online at Amazon or Newegg, unfortunately they are sold at a premium. They are going for at least $300 more than what local retailers (ex., Microcenter) are selling them for.

    But you can get one from online.

    If want to have a chance of getting a 1650 or any GPU from Microcenter (MC), you have to join the competition. Customers are showing up at the store 1-2 hours before it opens to have a chance to enter to the store. GPUs are sold on a first come first sold bases. Once in the store customers are inquiring on if a inventory truck is coming that day and if so, customers hang out at the store until it comes with the hopes of purchasing a GPU.

    Customers are visiting the store pretty much everyday. Other community users on here can probably chime in on what days they went. I remember seeing a post of a customer going on Thursday, Friday and Saturday and was able to get a 3000 series card on Saturday. I forget what store that was.

    But, just information on how customers are obtaining GPUs from Microcenter.

    Other cards to look at and can be found online at a reasonable price is the GTX 1050 TI, which can support 4K or take a look at the GTX 1080 card as well.

    Good luck

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