need help choosing parts for a pc
Im looking to build a strong gaming pc and are looking to spend around 1,100 on it. i've watched some videos but haven't been able to piece together which parts i should go for. i want to be able to stream and edit without issues as well as run the witcher 3, valheim ect.. on ultra settings without problems. Thanks for any and all help in this quest.
Greetings, we can look into this with you. Do you need any peripherals and do you need Windows included in your budget?
I’m sorry I’m new to this whole thing. What would you mean by peripherals and windows not included. Also I have a alianware aurura r6 with a i5 I would like to increase the power and make it stronger to run 4K. What would you recommend me adding to it.
@Heaven just chiming in. Peripherals are items like your keyboard, mouse, external HDD, etc., but it sounds like you already have these with the Alienware r6.
I'd say stick with the processor you already have in the Alienware, but maybe update your GPU to a GTX 1660 or better a RTX 2060.
I believe you R6 should have 16gb of ram, you may want to upgrade the ram to 24-32gb, not needed but could help (see ram link below). Last you'll probably need to upgrade your Power Supply to 550watts.
@TSTDavey thank you I’ll check it out, I was told by a friend of mine I should get a new processor too/ graphics card. But I’ll check the others out.
@Heaven that R6 probably has an I5-7400 (7th gen chip), which is a 4 core processor. Can do up to 3.5 ghz speeds which is fast for cpu chips still to this day. You good look at a I9-9900K or i5-9600K.
@TSTDavey yes it’s a i5 but I was playing valhiem and was getting 15-19 FPS not sure why.
@Heaven its doesn't require much to play Valhiem. Has your Alienware R6 drivers been updated lately?
What video cable are you using, HDMI or displayport? What monitor do you have?
All these things play a part into why your FPS are low.
Valheim requirements:
@TSTDavey Hdmi bc I play on my tv. Don’t have a monitor yet. And I’m not sure ik my pc just recently updated itself but idk what it did exactly.
Is it showing this on the in-game FPS counter or are you using another program to check this?
@TSTDavey in game counter
If you are getting very poor FPS, you may want to try a clean install of your video card drivers. Here is a guide on how to do this:
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