PowerSpec G464 Crashes - white vga led on
My computer constantly crashes while idling. I have not been able determine exactly when it happens but it's definitely when it's idling. I go away for a bit, come back and it's unresponsive and see that the white vga led on the motherboard is on. The system powers down/up with no problems but it should not be crashing to begin. I don't know if there are any log files to look at. This happens almost daily. I rarely have any other issues. All of my windows and video card drivers are up to date. I have not changed any components although I have added two extra hard drives. The led leads me to believe its a video card issue though.
Looks like i posted this to the wrong place :(
Hello @PhotoGuy
Could you please open the Event Viewer and let me know if there are any specific issues that are listed in the "Critical" field.
I'd recommend completely removing your GPU drivers and then reinstalling them. Here's a helpful article with steps to do this https://community.microcenter.com/kb/articles/133-how-to-clean-install-video-card-drivers-in-windows-10
Let us know if this solves the issue for you.
(P.S. No worries, I moved the discussion to the correct category 😊)
Looks like I have 36, all the same:
Event ID = 41
Task Category = 63
The system has rebooted without cleanly shutting down first. This error could be caused if the system stopped responding, crashed, or lost power unexpectedly.
I'll uninstall the gpu drivers and reinstall.
@PhotoGuy let us know the results when can.
I uninstalled and reinstalled the gpu drivers and good so far. Looking at the event log, it didn't happen every day so I guess it will take a few days to really see but day 1 looks good.
That's great to hear!
Keep us updated, but hopefully, this solves it for you!
It happened again :( checked on my pc after being away for a few hours and the white vga led was on and the computer was unresponsive so i had to power down and restart.
Just a hunch here, but could you go to your Power Options and make sure that your plan selected is the High Performance plan.
It sounds like your computer is not recovering from its idle or sleep state.
Also, ensuring that your keyboard and mouse have been enabled to wake your device from sleep and your PCI Express power plan settings are unrestricted as well. Do this by selecting "Change advanced power settings" and ensure that USB settings are enabled and Link State Power Management is Off.
I've made the Power related changes, you were right, it was not set to High performance, it was set to AMD Ryzen Balanced. I've also turned off letting the computer go to sleep. If this fixes it i may turn back on sleep mode and see how that goes. I don't "need" to let the computer go to sleep unless you guys think it's beneficial.
It will give you additional power savings should you walk away from your computer for an extended period of time, but if you're shutting down your system when you are no longer using it, it will not make a difference.
I normally turn it on when I wake up/start work and shut it down when I go to sleep. It's normally on about 14 hours. I really don't care about energy savings while I have it on. No crashes yesterday, will update in a few days.
It just crashed again, I was gone from my computer less than 1.5 hours, came back and not responsive + white vga led
Did you get the same error as before in Event Viewer?
Yes, same error
@PhotoGuy just chiming in. You may have to bring this into the store for a diagnostic. But we have some more steps to try.
First use the link below and download your Chipset driver and install it. Restart the computer, then test it again to see if it crashes.
If it crashes, you can use the link below and download the recent bios to a usb drive. Use the 2nd link to learn how to update the mobo bios. After updating bios, test the computer again to see if it crashes.
If it crashes, then there may be a hardware issue (GPU, Memory, etc.). Bring it to the store at that point.
If you are not comfortable with doing the bios, then just bring it into the store.
Bios Instructions.
I didn't see a link to download my chipset/bios drivers so I went to asus and dl'd from there. I installed the chipset drivers and will see if that does anything. If not, I'll move onto updating the bios.
I've been putting this off because I didn't want to bring it in (45 minute drive one way) but if it continues I will. Appreciate all the help so far.
@PhotoGuy my apologies, I missed putting in the correct link in my last response to you. Below is the correct link.
chipset drivers didn't fix it, moving to updating bios.
I get the following error when trying to update the bios. This is the name of the bios after I unzip it: TUF-GAMING-X570-PLUS-ASUS-3602.CAP (no clue if the bios file name matters)
When I try internet update within bios/ez it tells me i have the latest one
Hello @PhotoGuy
I do recommend trying to manually update the BIOS. Your BIOS needs to be put on a flashdrive and then inserted into the motherboard before boot. Before you drag the BIOS file, you need to run the Auto-Renamer.exe. It will rename the BIOS file to TGX570P, then drag that into your flashdrive.
@TSPhillipT is there a special usb to plug the usb in to or anyone one should work?
@PhotoGuy Any Flashdrive should work
I just meant does any usb into the mb work, I saw on some boards where they have a special usb for bios updates.
Same error message: not a proper BIOS :(
oh, I see what happened, you were linked the non-wifi version of your motherboard. Here is the WiFi version of your motherboard, this BIOS should work; https://www.asus.com/us/Motherboards-Components/Motherboards/All-series/TUF-GAMING-X570-PLUS-WI-FI/HelpDesk_BIOS/
Good catch!!!
I was able to update the bios, now it's a waiting game. Thanks
day 1 was a success, fingers crossed.
Glad to hear it is working.
day 2 was a success :- )
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