How to save my cart?

Hi, I'd picked out a number of items for a build that've been in my cart for the past days.

I go out and log in using my phone and nothing's there. Had an itch to pass by the store but without this list, well, you know.

Get back home, I figure, let me check another browser. Log in and again, no cart content.

Would be nice to be able to save it but I don't know how.

Any suggestions? Thx


  • Hello @cyberfyber, I understand you wish to be able to save your cart, I would be happy to provide your feedback to the appropriate team, however at this time we provide a wishlist system that you can access through the "My Account" page. You can then access these by signing in with your insider account on any device.

  • Thanks for the reply,

    But another problem making it worse is not being able to apply for your credit card online.

    Have tried repeatedly with different browsers and still nothing.

    Now, I need to go apply in person with a printout of my list followed by having to wait for it to be collected.

  • Hello @cyberfyber

    Sorry to hear that you're unable to apply for the Micro Center credit card online. I'd recommend clearing your browser's saved information. (Cookies, History, etc.)

    However, the Micro Center credit card is only usable in-store at this time. Additionally, it would need to be activated by making an in-store purchase.

    Please let us know if clearing your browser info does the trick. If it does not, I'd recommend heading to the store where we can better assist you in person.

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