Why is YOUR Micro Center the best?
I know my local Micro Center is the best Micro Center. It's the one I go to, I know the people who work there, and it's pretty dang big.
But, I feel like you all probably think your local Micro Center is better, so convince me: why is YOUR Micro Center the best?
I wish, so dearly that I had a local Micro Center; but I don't so I travel over 200 miles to Mayfield Heights, OH to visit one. I love it though because in the past year I've traveled there three separate times and always had a blast. The staff are always so happy to help and answer questions or give recommendations, the selection was incredible (minus my last visit thanks to Covid), and I could just walk around for hours and still be in awe of everything they have to offer. I've personally considered moving to Ohio just to be closer to the store, which is insane.
Mine is in North Jersey and I only think is because the staff is cool, and Jud goes there. (Uravgconsumer)
Well my Micro Center location is the original location (Columbus, Ohio). This means that whenever there is a photo or reference to a Micro Center, they are usually talking about the Columbus location. This might also mean that it receives a lot more care and supply compared to all of the other locations. The employees at the Columbus location are also very nice and helpful whenever you are inside of the store.
Mine has to be the one in Madison Heights Michigan
The staff there is very friendly, knowledgeable and very helpful.
They helped me build my very first PC last year before the silicon shortage happened and everything they recommended just worked out beautifully.
My location is the OG Micro Center (Columbus, Ohio) and I couldn't be happier with my many experiences there. After dozens of visits and about 8 full gaming PC builds, a laptop purchase, a few surprisingly simple RMAs, and a few thousand dollars worth of networking equipment purchases; the customer service was always the best anyone could ever hope for. The level of knowledge on anything you could possibly need help with and the clearly genuine care the staff has for the customer and their needs are really refreshing. They'll help you find the products that best suits you instead of up selling you while explaining their reasoning for why a product is the best choice for you. I've had friends drive six hours just to buy PC components from this store because they have given me so many overwhelmingly positive experiences. Micro Center had earned a customer for life die to the hard work they put in at this location. Thanks for everything you guys do for your customers!
The Mayfield Heights location is fantastic. Very helpful staff and today I found a 3080 for my brother! Also, I found very good priced open-box CPU and motherboard for a very good deal. So they have very good deals and very good staff at this location for sure!
I used to live near the northern NJ store, but now I'm in NC. Need a MicroCenter in Charlotte. It would be very popular here.
Which is the best? Heh... The Dallas store and the Aurora store are where I shopped...and I'd get the level of customer service I got today on an open box that didn't QUITE meet the claims on the sticker. ("Complete" wasn't...but it got fixed for me on the spot... Like I expect from y'all for the last 20+ years)
Both of those stores are rather better than the online answers in many, many ways.
You have things I expect and need to be there. You have nifty new things I'd not thought of or heard about online. Your service is generally better than most. What's there not to like?
(Oh, and I missed having one within an hour of me all the time I was in Southern Florida some three years ago. Wasn't any presence of REAL computer and electronics sales down there...)
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