G467 crashing every 10-30 min in games

edited April 2021 in General Discussion

I have been using G467 for 2 months and play couple of games during this time. But the game will crash every 10-30 mins after entering the game. I tried reinstall and install display adapter, driver it does not work. I also monitor the temp and it is around 85 when game crashes. So what is the problem can I fix it?


  • Ian
    Ian ✭✭✭✭✭
    Eighth Anniversary 5000 Comments 250 Answers 500 Likes

    Hello! If the issue happens during gaming, you could try a clean install of your video card drivers to see if that may help out with your issues first, here is a step by step guide on how to do this: https://community.microcenter.com/kb/articles/133-how-to-clean-install-video-card-drivers-in-windows-10

  • I have the same issue on the G-467. I followed the instructions above, and I still have the crashing BSOD with random crash codes. My main 2 games are Flight Sim 2020 and Star Citizen. I've played for hours, and lately I can only play for 5-10 minutes before crashing. Codes below... Do I need a fresh Windows Install? I've read there are issues with Bios, but I don't want to go down that path. I've also read that the RTX 3080 has some capacitor issues. Should I bring into the store for support. Help please...








  • PowerSpec_MikeW
    PowerSpec_MikeW PowerSpec Engineer
    Sixth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Answers 250 Likes

    @Ryanzzz @Hawkbird

    Could both of you please run bluescreenview and post screenshots? https://www.nirsoft.net/utils/bluescreenview-x64.zip

    We'll need to see the bug check strings and establish a pattern. Verify which component is causing the crash.

  • Hello,

    Please see below. There is one strange thing...not all my crashes are being recorded & reported. The items below show from February, and there have been too many to count since then. Any ideas on how I can gather more crash information for you to review? Thank you for helping us!!!

    -Chad (Hawkbird)

  • I had a crash in Star Citizen tonight...locked up, but no BSOD. Also, there was no new log file. I managed to take a photo of the GPU-Z display (shown below). Looks to be running a little hot right before crashing.

    Anything you can tell me will be much appreciated!

  • PowerSpec_MikeW
    PowerSpec_MikeW PowerSpec Engineer
    Sixth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Answers 250 Likes


    Your GPU looks good. Temps are solid, it's not throttling for temperature or power. CPU temps are great. We need to figure out whether it's not BSOD'ing, or whether it's just not writing a crash dump. Lets try this.

    Windows + R: in run type: sysdm.cpl

    Press "Enter"

    Advanced - Startup and Recovery - Settings - Uncheck "Automatic Restart".

    We'll wait for it to BSOD again and see what the system does. That will tell us more about what's going on. Also, you have a one year warranty, this would be covered if you do need to bring it in for service. We're more than happy to help you troubleshoot here on the forum.

    Random BSOD's indicate a memory issue. However, generally memory issues, whether they're caused by bad RAM, unstable settings, or a bad IMC don't have an issue writing dump files. That's more of an indication that the drive is inaccessible when the crash happens.

  • First, I apologize for the delay in my response... Ok, here's what I've experienced since the last instruction...

    Windows + R: in run type: sysdm.cpl - still experienced crashes (MS Flight Sim 2020 & Star Citizen), but the screen just goes garbled...have to manually restart...did not get any new records on BSOD from log file above. Sometimes on crash, I will get a blue screen with a failure (last one was SYSTEM_SERVICE_EXCEPTION). Many times, I'm no longer getting the blue screen that tells me the stop code. As of now, I've rechecked the "Automatic Restart."

    I'm still concerned I'm not getting dump file information. Also, to your point on the memory issue indicating that the drive may be inaccessible when the crash happens. We may need to explore further. Is it possible that I may be experiencing authorization issues to memory or drive locations mid-game? A few months ago, I was getting errors on blue screens that had memory authorization issues.... Now they are intermittent. Please note that I've added another 32 GB of identical RAM for a total of 64GB.

    Since my last response, I've tested both primary games with the last 2 Nvidia Gamer Ready Drivers. Current Driver = 466.77.

    Below is a list of the BSOD messages I've been logging for the last few months...

    I am looking for forward to your response & Thank You for all of your help!!!

  • @Hawkbird just chiming in. That's a lot BSOD errors. @TSMikeW may have another response, so give some time for his reply. See what he has, but I feel ultimately you're going to have to bring this powerspec into the store. You haven't reinstalled windows as a clean install have you?

  • Hello TSTDavey,

    Thank you for your input. I have not reinstalled window as a clean install. Is this something I need to do before bringing the unit into the store?

  • PowerSpec_MikeW
    PowerSpec_MikeW PowerSpec Engineer
    Sixth Anniversary 2500 Comments 100 Answers 250 Likes


    No, you can bring it into the store at anytime. We've ruled out a power issue mostly. The BSOD's play like a RAM issue, and adding additional RAM could certainly be the cause of this. Which RAM did you add? Was it he same G.Skill 3600 C16 kit as was installed from the factory? Are you still loading XMP I in the BIOS? If you wouldn't mind, please run CPU-Z and screenshot Mainboard, Memory and the SPD tabs.

  • Ian
    Ian ✭✭✭✭✭
    Eighth Anniversary 5000 Comments 250 Answers 500 Likes

    You may want to try that to see if it helps. Keep in mind this would delete off programs/files you have on your system.

  • Thanks again for everyone's help!

    The memory I added should be identical to the original (picture of package below). I did not make any Bios changes.

    How do I go about a re-installation of Windows? Where would my product key be found? etc...

    In the event I have to take this back to the store, should I print a copy of this communication, and/or ask for a particular person? I will be taking this to the Columbus, Oh store...

  • Ian
    Ian ✭✭✭✭✭
    Eighth Anniversary 5000 Comments 250 Answers 500 Likes

    Here is how you can do that: https://community.microcenter.com/kb/articles/64-how-to-reset-refresh-windows-10

    You do not need a product key to complete this as it is already loaded onto your motherboard, it will automatically reactivate if you do a reinstall/reset.

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