OLED and Extended warranty for Burn in

Hi, I recently purchased a Refurbished LG CX 48 inch back in April 15.

I was told several times by different reps that your Extended 3 yr Screen Protection warranty doesn't cover Burn-In. I'm being told otherwise in this subreddit.

CX48 is now on sale at microcenter for $999 : OLED_Gaming (reddit.com)

I made the purchase in the Chicago location. What can I do?


  • Hello @BhipBookies and thanks for posting on the Microcenter Community Forum. We're not sure where the store rep information on the reddit link is coming from, but unfortunately the screen protection warranty does not cover burn-ins.

  • Does every Microcenter across the U.S. function the same with Warranties? Seems odd that some people are being told that Burn-in is covered.

  • PowerSpec_MichaelB
    PowerSpec_MichaelB ✭✭✭✭✭
    25 Answers 5 Insightfuls 500 Comments 5 Up Votes

    We do. Warranty terms are publicly available and should not differ per store. That said, managers are always able to make exceptions on an individual basis at their discretion, so it's possible that you may see instances of this occurring every now and then.

    The page for our Screen Protection plan can be found here: https://www.microcenter.com/site/customer-support/protection-plans/screen-protection-tv.aspx

    The specific terms are located on that very page and lead to the following document: https://60a99bedadae98078522-a9b6cded92292ef3bace063619038eb1.ssl.cf2.rackcdn.com/documents_MCCESTC09.13State.pdf

    The specific part to pay attention to would be Section 14, subsection S:

    Television or personal computer monitor screen imperfections, including ‘burn in’ or burned CRT phosphor, caused by video games, prolonged display of one or more signal(s), or other abuse. All display products that are used in an application that requires continuous and/or business operation unless additional coverage is purchased.

    When it comes to OLED's and their organic nature, burn-in or image retention is unfortunately a downside of the technology and is an inherit side effect of the design. There are plenty of modern technologies in-place to help prevent burn-in or image retention from occurring, so it's less common, but it's definitely still possible. I've owned an LG B9 OLED TV for almost 2 years now and have not seen even the slightest bit of burn-in or image retention, and I used it as a PC monitor for the first 8 months and still use it for viewing Twitch content with static UI's on-screen.

    I hope this helps clarify your question. Make sure you enjoy that LG CX, it's definitely the best gaming TV on the market right now hands down. Perfect contrast ratio, 120hz refresh rate, G-Sync support, 4K with HDMI 2.1, hard to find anything that comes close until MicroLED becomes mainstream in a few years.

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