My bluetooth recently stopped working on my desktop. I have updated drivers and still no luck. I can't get ahold of anyone at Lenovo to help of course and i am out of ideas. After spending 5 hours with Microsoft help I about to lose it. Any more ideas I can try? Or just bring it in?
Hello @Angele
I understand you are having issues with your bluetooth. Thank you for reaching out to our comunity, I just have a few extra questions.
Have you tried connecting other devices to the computer?
In the case of speakers or even headsets do they work with your phone?
Lastly, I understand you tried reinstalling the drivers, does the computer still have an option to turn bluetooth on or off? This would be under the bluetooth & other devices section in settings.
Hi @TSKyleH The bluetooth option is just gone. I cannot turn it on or off. My devices are just fine. When I go to connect one the computer it starts by telling me to make sure the devices are searching/visible and then changes to a... this device does not have bluetooth please make sure it is turned on but alas, no bluetooth button to be found.
Thank you for the confirmation @Angele, When you tried reinstalling the drivers did you delete the software during the uninstall? Bluetooth and wireless tend to be provided by the same adapter, did you try uninstalling wireless as well or just the bluetooth option in device manager?
I would recommend getting the latest wireless driver for this reason, as it tends to be both wireless and bluetooth, from the manufacture. What computer did you have?
Lenovo. They use Realtek. I just did updates because I couldn't find a full download and getting a straight avenue to reach anyone at Lenovo is horrid. They want me to pay $40 to have tech access. I didn't find much info on contacting them otherwise or fixing my issue. I will continue to try more tomorrow. I'm at 6+ hours today dealing with Microsoft and Lenovo. If this makes little sense, I apologize. Its been a long day.
Please right click "Start" and open "Device Manager". Expand "Bluetooth" and "Network Adapters". Screenshot what you have there. Also, what model is your Lenovo?
@TSMikeW I am sorry that took me a few days. Hopefully this information helps. in the device manager screen the windows rep had me erase the bluetooth tab but this should be my Lenovo info and device manager
@Angele just chiming in. Lets make sure every driver has been updated on this Lenovo, including BIOS. Use link below and just hit "Start Scan" under the Automatic Driver Update tab. Install whichever drivers Lenovo suggests.
Then restart computer and try the bluetooth. If it still doesn't work, then there could be hardware problems with the bluetooth adapter. You can always get a $13 USB bluetooth adapter from Microcenter, Walmart or other electronic retailers. They work just as good as an internal bluetooth adapter.
Let us know if the driver updates worked.
@TSTDavey What link are you referring to?
You won't be able to update the bluetooth driver. Looking at device manager the bluetooth device isn't being detected by the system at all. This is built into your QCA9377 WIFI Card. It's an M.2 E-Key.
Few things we can try. First is a discharge. Power the system off, unplug the power, press the power button 10-15 times, and wait 30 seconds. Plug it back in and turn it on. Check Device Manager, see if the Bluetooth category appears near the top of the list. If so, you should be good to go.
Second option, and this would be more advanced. Is to power off the system, ground yourself and to reseat the WIFI card itself on the motherboard. It's near the bottom of the board and it's labeled with a white sticker.
Third option if all else fails, or if the second option is too much trouble. You can get a Bluetooth USB dongle for under $20 or so that's equivalent to the Bluetooth 4.1 supported by the wireless card. You can get a 5.0 card for $29.99.
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