Now in our Dallas Store – The Raspberry Pi Store-In-A-Store!
Want a sneak-peek of the newest thing to arrive at Micro Center? Look no further:
One photo not enough? How about a full 3D tour?
Presenting the Raspberry Pi Store-in-a-Store, now ready for visiting in our Dallas Micro Center! We've set up a brand new Raspberry Pi experience to showcase all that Raspberry Pi has to offer. From Pi Desktop Kits to standalone units, it's all readily available. And if you're new to the Raspberry Pi space, we even have demo units set up running Pi OS so you can get see what Pi can do!
Raspberry Pi is known for creating easy to use programming and home computer tools, and there's no easier way to see what Pi can do than at Micro Center's Raspberry Pi Store-In-A-Store, now at our Dallas Store!
Want a $150 gift card to start your Raspberry Pi journey? We've got one to give away to Raspberry Pi fans! Sure, you can get one entry into the raffle but just signing up, but if you take a selfie in any of our store's DIY departments, you'll earn a whopping fifteen extra entries!
Enter here:
Can this be rolled out to every store? Looks good!
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