product purchased in store, can I return by mail
I drove to the Microcenter in Columbus a few days ago and bought a graphics card. I'd like to return it, but it's a several hours long drive. Can I send the card back by UPS?
Greetings, looking into this I see you were already in contact with our chat support and your information was sent to your local store for further assistance. They will be in touch when available.
It's been a day since the chat, and I hadn't heard anything. I looked around here and saw someone had asked a similar question and they were sent an email with an answer. Sorry to bother you.
If you do not hear anything by Wednesday or so, please let us know and we can look into it further for you.
It's Wednesday and still haven't heard anything. Can you help me?
I have sent you an email regarding this.
Ian, per your email I've been waiting for the management team in Columbus, Ohio to call me, but I still have not received a call. Or email, or any kind of response. Very frustrating!
I am sorry to hear that, I went ahead and forwarded this to my management here so we can escalate your request.
Dan A. sent an email and said I'd hear from someone soon.
I received a call on Friday from Jerry in the warehouse at the Columbus store ( I assume), who said the store manager wanted him to call me. He was going to email me a FedEx return label within the hour if I had an email address on file there. I have yet to receive the label. When I bought the graphics card and processor the cashier setup an account with my email address so it should be in the system. I tried calling Jerry back at 614-326-8500 to try and sort this out but apparently that is the Microcenter main number.
I sent this reply to Dan and hope we can get this sorted out.
I have gotten this over to them again to make sure they have the information and they will be contacting you s soon as they are able to. I do apologize delays this may have caused.
I also received the email below on June 28, and as of June 30 I have not heard anything. If anyone is still following this thread, my thinking was that this would never be resolved. Why a company that does online business seems to have no easy, customer friendly way to return products quickly in 2021 is beyond my understanding.
So yesterday I made my last five hour drive to Microcenter, Columbus Ohio, to spend five minutes at the counter to return this graphics card.
The End.
Mathew C. (Micro Center)
Jun 28, 2021, 11:37 AM EDT
Hello Michael, thank you for contacting Micro Center!
I have forwarded the store manager your email address and information so they can process that return for you. Please allow 24-72 hours for them to receive the message!
Thank you,
Mathew C.
Micro Center Technical Support Consultant
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