Hi Guys
i've been reading some threads in the past and it helped me troubleshoot some problems i had and i had when trying to help friends ^^ so i decided to join
I"m Manuel / 16yo
I'm Gamer / Metal Head and i'm into fitness (started 2 years ago and it changed me/my body a lot since then it's super nice but also somehow weird ^^)
I haven't spent much time with gaming the past months because i had my finals @ school and i had to learn :/ so with school stuff + working out i felt most days like i've spent enough time @ home so i was often just outside riding the bike or running and sometimes met friends outside as out parents didn't allow us to meet somewhere because of the lockdown/covid
I've got my first pc almost 4 years ago and my dad got the components (some where used) and i had to assemble it by myself ^^ so i got into computers/hardware, i really liked it, i'm still using the pc but had to replace the graphics card about a year ago (i had a n RX 480 which died) and replaced it by a used Vega 56
So about gaming i play everything as long it makes fun, i'm not bound to a specific genre, some games i played i really liked were Witcher 3, Rise of the Tomb Raider (shadow of the tomb raider is on my want to play list :D), a lot of Modded Minecraft, Wolfenstein The new Order and II, also Resident evil 2^^
I hope it's okay to craete a post for saying Hi :D and also i hope i'm not too young xD
Hello @GamerBoyManuel16 and Welcome to the Community!!!
Everyone is always welcome to start a discussion so thank you for creating one and introducing yourself! I am glad to hear that some of the threads here were able to help you troubleshoot problems in the past. It is one of the reasons we started this forum. Not only to have more of a discussion with all of you, but to provide useful information that everyone can benefit from.
I played Shadow of the Tomb Raider but not on PC, it was on PS4. It turned out to be better than I anticipated. Even on PS4 the graphics were great and the gameplay itself was a lot of fun. So I don't think you will be disappointed once you get the chance to play it. The story mode itself is also a decent length so getting it for $13 on Steam right now, definitely worth it.
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