Gaming PC parts questions
I build my current rig in 8/12 and my CPU or Mobo recently died, so I am in the market for a few new parts and I can NOT decide on what to go with....
The existing pieces that I will be utilizing....
EVGA 2070 Black, OCC 1250 watt PSU, Cooler Master (CM Storm) Storm Trooper Case, 256 Gig Samsung SSD, 2TB HDD, 2 Samsung CFG73 monitors. I also have a Corsair H100 water cooler, but I am under the impression that it is not compatible with new CPUs.
The PC will be used for simultaneously watching movies and gaming (BDO, Minecraft, Civilization, Battlefield and Far Cry (when the latest ones come out). I intend to build a new monster if and whenever hardware becomes readily available and prices come back to planet earth bc there is an up and coming PC gamer in the house. You have to raise them right! Plus I really want a better looking case with RGB and an AIO on the cooler lol. Suggestions for new games will also be appreciated! Shooters, MMOs, whatever.
So I am looking for recommendations....
- AMD or Intel??!! CPU and MOBO. Depending on who I ask, there is only one way to go and everyone has a different opinion. My intel lasted about 10 years and it served me well but I am not religious about the color of my CPU. On one hand is Blue where some of the assessments on the 11th gen line are discouraging. Even when the video seems to show Intel with higher FPS etc, they often claim AMD is better. Are they simply biased to AMD? On the other hand, the latest AMD chips have been around for a while, are short in supply and the prices are bloated.
- Whichever way I go be it Red or Blue, I will prob need a new cooler to go with it. AIO not absolutely necessary considering that its not really visible in the given case.
- The CPU/Mobo will need to support M.2 SSD.
So far I am considering:
ASUS Tuf Gaming Z590 Plus WiFi, Noctua NH-D15 cooler, Crucial Ball 2 x 8 3200 CL16 Ram, Western Digital Blue 1TB M.2-2280 SSD and the 11600k, 11700k, or 11900k. The difference between 11700k and 11900k seems negligible in performance for the $100.00 difference. The 11600k is pretty tempting though @ $215.00 - $250.00
Basically the same as above with 5800x. Price difference is $310.00 for 5900x and that should be listed as a crime.
One video I came across mentioned clearance issues with coolers and RAM, so I anyone is aware of any such issues please let me know. It is over an hour drive for me to the nearest Micro Center plus its hard to make that trip with kids, sports, work, etc
TY for any input!
Good mornign @FritzGraewe
So for the decision on the processor you want to get based on the benchmarks from the Processors and comparisons done, AMD does tend to out-perform the Intel processors in this. If you are looking for gaming system you would not need the 5900x for this as many games will not utilize this Also much of this will depend on what is available in store. I would not have a specific pairing for motherboard and Processor for the system to get for this, however in store we will have our build your own specialist who will get an idea of what items you are looking to run and get you the best parts for this. For you case the Cooler and ram should not be an issue as the case has a max height for coolers of 186mm and the Noctua only goes up to 165mm
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