First PC Build
I am in the process of building my first PC. I will be using it for a mixture of running engineering software on it for school (like Solidworks and stuff), as well as using it to code extensively. I want to make it able to run games on it smoothly; mainly, I think I will be playing FPS, MMO, and some RPGs (Call of Duty, Hunt Showdown, Cyberpunk, Battlefield, etc.).
I have been looking into everything for a week or two, but it is still fairly overwhelming from the sheer number of options that seem like they would work. My budget is around $1200, but this can be slightly flexible if need be. One thing I am considering is that my friend offered to sell me a GPU (Radeon RX570 Powercolor Red Devil for $200), a PSU (EVGA 550 G3 for $50), and a motherboard (ASUS B250 Mining expert for $250).
I have several questions. Are the aforementioned parts worth buying or would it be easier to just buy from a retailer? AMD or Intel for processor? Which GPU is the best value? Would a prebuilt be a better option or would I be able to get better components if I build it myself?
Again, I'm not looking for something to run 4k at 100 fps, Im just looking for something to run smoothly at a good resolution with the opportunity to upgrade in the future.
Thanks in advance.
Hello @jtindall and thanks for posting the Microcenter Community Forum. The Asus b250 motherboard and RX570 GPU are a little older computer components. The GPU for $200 is a great price, but if you were to be able to get a system with a RTX 3060 or 3070 and stay with in your budget would be way better.
For $1200, it may be best to go with a custom build pc. Take a look at the link below. Going with a Ryzen 5 cpu and a 3070 GPU with 16 gigs of RAM is all you need for your CAD and Gaming pc.
Greetings! Welcome to the Micro Center Community!
The B250 would not be a board I'd recommend for gaming, it's not really intended for a normal PC user / gaming use, you can get a motherboard that would be a better deal and newer than that like Davey said.
I'd look at this list, it is right around your price range and would do great for gaming:
If you have any questions please let us know!
Thanks for your help!
Where would be the best place to get these components? I would like to come into the store and pick them all up, but it seems it will be hard to find a time when they are all in stock simultaneously.
Which location is your nearest Micro Center store? It should show stock directly on the PC build page but we could make substitutions/recommendations based on that information.
I am near the store in Houston, TX.
Do you have a good monitor that you would recommend?
Did you have a budget in mind for the monitor?
I am willing to spend $300 or so. Not looking for a top of the line monitor, but I want something I wont regret buying in the future since I will be looking at it constantly.
Also, I compiled a new parts list because of certain unavailable products. I am hoping to buy what I can from the store, and then order the rest from sites around. Can you take a look and tell me if there are any problems and/or places where I am spending unnecessary money?
I was having a hard time finding a GPU for a reasonable price. I figured I could buy the older model off of my friend for a good price and wait for the market prices of GPUs to come down before investing in a high power one.
Did you have a certain type of monitor you prefer? Curved, etc., any specific size?
Your parts list would be fine to use together, don't see any issues there.
Open to suggestions for pretty much anything. A standard flat monitor is fine; I was looking at 1440p 144hz 27" monitors for roughly 250$
I would take a look at the following, it is pretty much the highest rated monitor on our site in that criteria:
Well, having built many pc's in the past along with having MC build a barebones for me - I would go with MC barebones. Stay away from the used parts from a friend. What happens if the PS or GPU die within a week?? Or a month?? Not worth it along with losing a friend over parts. In reading your post, it's clear you want a decent pc but not a super gamer. You should be able to get it for far less than $1200 even with the monitor. I am in my 70's & my fingers & patience no longer allow me to build. As the employee suggested head over to the Custom PC page & pick each item. Don't go overboard, but remember Windows 11 is coming soon. As a general suggest get an Intel i5 & a nice case ( look at the USB ports as they are handy) Same with power supply ( grab a cheap but high rated 600-800 watt ) so you can run any gpu. Chose a decent GPU but not top of the line. You can get a nice 27inch monitor for less than $200. It is well worth it to pay MS $149 to build it and test it. I did 6 yrs ago and it's still going strong. Nothing I can't do with it and I have an intel i5 2500. It's easy to change out GPU, Memory, drives etc as time goes on. Good Luck. PS: As you pick out the parts read the reviews so you don't pick a dud part.
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