Windows 10 Startup Issues! No letting me put in my PIN!
Hi everyone,
So I have been having issues starting up my PC. Windows 10 wont let me put in my pin nor give me an option to make a new one.
Troubleshooting gave me this: The Boot Configuration Data File Doesnt Contain Valid Information
So I made a bootable USB Drive and tried to repair via "start up repair" in the troubleshooting section but it gave me an error message. I even tried to manually rebuild the BCD File.
Does anyone know what I should do? Should I come into the Micro Center and maybe they can figure this out for me?
Thanks for reading!
If repairing Windows does not work and you cannot rebuild the BCD file using command prompt, I would just reinstall Windows entirely. You can copy any files you have on the boot drive first by using an enclosure or SATA to USB adapter on another PC.
Of course if you want us to take care of this for you, we can transfer any data you might need and reinstall Windows at the service desk.
I'd also recommend trying a few of the solutions that Microsoft has listed for these types of concerns.
If you get an error when attempting these, be sure to let us know!
Based on your description, it sounds like more than a login issue. It sounds like you're not able to boot to Windows at all anymore. Please clarify here.
It's pretty common to get an access denied trying to rebuild the BCD. Work around is to mount the system partition, rename the BCD file in the "Boot" folder. I just rename it to .old. Navigate to "Boot" folder, and type: ren bcd bcd.old
Then run your bootrec /rebuildbcd
If bootrec /rebuildbcd fails: Common issue is that it won't be able to find your windows directory. Work around is to mount the system volume, I usually mount it as S:. Manually target and rebuild it like this: bcdboot C:\windows /s S:
C: being your windows volume, and S: the mounted system volume.
To mount the system volume use diskpart. From command prompt.
list vol
select vol #
assign letter=S
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