Need help selecting an X570 motherboard please!

I have a parts list that I feel pretty good about, but I'm thinking about changing the Motherboard. Right now I have selected the Gigabyte X570 GAMING X ATX AM4 Motherboard (based on a recommendation), but I'm feeling really deterred by some of the negative reviews, and the fact that I'll have to order online rather than pickup in store (I'm in Canada, ON).

I want an X570 Motherboard (in order to allow for future improvements) , but I feel really overwhelmed by all the options. In your opinion, is there an alternate option that would be better? Here is the build:

Also, if you have any alternate suggestions for RAM I am interested :) The computer is for gaming/personal use.

Any help is deeply appreciated! Thanks in advance!


  • magarity
    magarity ✭✭✭✭
    Fourth Anniversary 500 Comments 25 Answers 25 Up Votes

    I have an ASRock that's over 10 years old that still runs 24/7 as a little home server. I bought one of their X570 for my new gaming PC as well but it is mATX and you probably want a full sized one for a 5000D. So, I really like that brand lately. No matter what brand you get, just don't get the cheaper ones. At $219 that Gigabyte you've picked out is likely a good one.

    As for memory I always use Corsair or Crucial. Currently I have Corsair Vengeance LPX which is an excellent choice with Ryzen Zen 3 CPUs if you want top of the line without blinkenlights. If you want that the Vengeance series has a variant with RGB.

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