AMD RX 6600 Benchmark and Review
Brand new from AMD, we have the AMD RX 6600. The RX 6600 is shaping up to be a more budget-friendly version of the 6600XT and the most budget-friendly 6000 series GPU from AMD. The 6600XT showed excellent benchmarks in both 1080p and 1440p gaming, so we can expect the 6600 to fall a little bit short in 1440p gaming, but be well equipped to handle 1080p gaming.
For our benchmark, we used a Powercolor Hellhound AMD Radeon RX 6600 GPU paired with a 5600X processor, 32GB of RAM set to 3200Mhz, and a 1TB M.2 SSD. All in-game benchmarks were run with the highest graphical settings and motion blur off when available.
The RX 6600 performed way better than expected. We are looking at around 20ish frames dropped on games when switching to the non-XT version of the graphics card. This performance puts the 6600 in an excellent position for 1080p 120Hz monitors and even 1080p 144Hz monitors for esports titles. It even performed well at 1440p for esports titles, letting you go to 120Hz 1440p monitors for high clarity and still maintaining smoothness during gameplay. Like the 6600XT, the RX 6600 isn't designed for 4k gaming. However, it can handle some less-intensive titles at 4k with gusto. Put it all together, and the RX 6600 is an excellent answer to those looking for an entry-level 1080p card or people wanting to play esports titles 1440p with a higher refresh rate.
Interesting results, looks like a promising card that fits in well with the AMD lineup of video cards.
You forgot to mention this is a PCIe 8X only GPU. It does not use all 16 PCIe lanes in the GPU slot and that can impact PCIe 3 performance severely in some games. Can you do a PCIe comparison? People should be well informed at these prices.
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