Embarrassed and disgusted

Yesterday while browsing the NJ micro center store I checked out and purchased a bawls energy drink. I left the register asking my person who rang me up to please hold my bag containing my purchase at the front so I did not walk through the store with my merchandise while going back to use the bathroom before my hour and a half journey back home. 

Whilst walking to the restroom I was stopped by a security guard as another security guard looked on. 

They had me lift up my shirt AND show my boxer briefs in the MIDDLE OF THE AISLE with customers looking on at me. Apparently this was not enough because he again looked down my pants to see if i was hiding contraband. I was disgusted and embarasssed. This happened in Paterson NJ micro center location. 

I have never experienced such awful treatment in a micro center or ANY store I have ever been in. 

I would like someone from corporate to speak with me because this is completely not right treatment and I am exploring legal options. 


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